(Washington Composite Electric) It is reported that US Secretary of State Brosky will visit China from February 5th to 6th to meet with the new foreign minister Qin Gang in China.

Politico (Politico "on Monday (January 16) quoted Washington diplomats on Monday (January 16) that Brincken's trip was to test President President after meeting with Chinese officials about two months ago.Whether it has paved the way for promoting Sino -US relations.Blint is expected to promote the recovery of bilateral high -level contact between the two countries, including military dialogue.

The U.S. State Department and the Chinese government have not disclosed the details of Brinken's visit to China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin was questioned at a regular press conference on Tuesday that China welcomed Brinken to visit China and said that the two sides were communicating about specific arrangements for specific arrangements.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that China always treats and develops Sino -US relations in accordance with the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation proposed by the President of the State.Non -zero sum, promote the return of the two countries to the development of healthy and stable development.

During the meeting with Chinese officials in November last year, he agreed to promote the development of bilateral relations in a stable direction.Qin Gang officially took over as a Chinese ambassador to the United States before this month.In his "farewell" tweet he had earlier this month, he praised Brinken with "frank, in -depth and constructive talks", and expressed his expectation to "continue to maintain a close work relationship with him to improve Sino -US relations."

At present, Washington and Beijing still have disputes on a series of issues such as trade, human rights and Taiwan Straits, and bilateral relations have continued to be tense.

Susan Shirk, a University of California, who once served as the Secretary of State of the United States, said: "Sometimes, Sino -US relations must become extremely dangerous, and the governments of the two countries will invest more to improve the relationship."

She said that the trip to Broin Beijing will reflect whether the Chinese government is willing to relax some internal and foreign policies to "reduce the price paid by these policies."

Yellen and Liu He Switzerland talks to strengthen economic and financial policy coordination

On the other hand, the Minister of Finance Yellen will meet with Liu He, Vice Premier Liu He, Vice Premier of the Chinese State Council in Zurich, Switzerland to exchange opinions on economic development and strive to deepen the communication and dialogue between the two countries.

Yellen and Liu He have held a video conference three times. This time, it will be the first face -to -face talks.

The Ministry of Commerce of China said that the talks aims to strengthen the coordination of economic and financial policies and implement the agreement reached by Chinese officials and Biden at the summit.

According to Reuters, Yellen and Liu He may discuss debt issues, as well as other problems with major differences between the two countries such as the Russia and Ukraine War.

China is now the world's largest debt country, and Yellen has repeatedly criticized Beijing's debt that has not accelerated the reorganization of the poor in Africa.In recent months, Yellen has also encouraged American companies to adopt the "Friend-SHORING" approach to transfer the supply chain from China to India and other countries that are friendly to the United States to reduce the key to the United States and allies to China.Supply dependence of goods.

Liu He went to Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos.After meeting with Liu He, Yellen will visit the three African countries -Senegal, Zambia and South Africa.One of the diplomatic strategies of the Biden government is to strengthen the connection with African countries in order to compete for Beijing's influence on this continent.

Yellen admitted in an interview with the US media last week that China has gone ahead of providing loans and trade to African countries; however, she said that the leaders of African countries stated at the summit held in Washington last month that they hope to be the same as the United States.Strengthen relationships.

At present, trade between China and Africa is about four times that of the United States and Africa.

Sometimes, Sino -US relations must become extremely dangerous, and the governments of the two countries will invest more efforts to improve the relationship.The trip to Blingken Beijing will reflect whether the Chinese government is willing to relax some internal and foreign policies to reduce the price paid by China for these policies.

—— Xie Shuli, a scholar of the University of California