(Washington Composite Electric) Campbell, an Indo -Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the National Security Council, said that the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita and the US President Bynden conducted a "very effective" discussion on the implementation of regulatory issues of Chinese semiconductor exports last week.In addition, US President Biden also said that the United States and the Netherlands "pace the same" on issues of China.

Campbell said on Tuesday (January 17) at the event of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS): "When President Bayidon raised this problem to Prime Minister Kishida, he said that he was studying this problem carefully, andHe will make appropriate responses ... I believe the consultation is very effective. "

Japan's Ambassador to the United States, Toshido, said in the same event that this is a complicated issue that needs to be coordinated with the industry, but Japan and the United States hope to make progress in the next few weeks.

Campbell mentioned that in the talks, Kishida also said that Japan will launch plans to support Ukraine counterattack Russia at the "appropriate time".He said: "The Prime Minister Kishida has been deployed and has been deeply involved in dealing with the problem of Ukraine."

Kishida and Bayeng met in the White House last week. The United States is the last stop for members of Kishida Seven Kingdoms Group to visit the schedule.

The Bayeng government announced a comprehensive set of export control measures in October last year, including strict restrictions on measures that China has obtained US chips (also known as chips) manufacturing technology, aiming to slow down the development of Beijing technology and military development.But it has not persuaded major allies, especially Japan and the Netherlands to implement similar equipment restrictions.Tokyo Electron, Tokyo Electron, Japan, ASML is the world's leading chip and equipment manufacturers.

Biden: Consistency of the U.S. Hee to China

Dutch Prime Minister Lutter discussed the question of how to ensure the stability of the supply chain with Biden during his visit to the White House on Tuesday.He said that the negotiations on export restrictions are gradually making progress.In an interview with Dutch TV, he said: "Step by step, we will be able to achieve good results in cooperation."

Biden said at the conference that Mehrus "has always maintained a consistent steps so far on the issue of China.He said: "We are working together on how to maintain the free and openness of Indo -Indo -Pacific. Frankly, how to deal with China's challenges."

However, the Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Schunamalhr said on the weekend that EU countries will not accept the new restrictions on China's export chip manufacturing technology, and the Netherlands is negotiating with European and Asian allies.

Bloomberg reported last month that Japan and the Netherlands agreed to strengthen the limitation of Chinese chips with the United States, but their strength may not be as great as the White House announced in October last year.