(Morning News) The global economy is on the verge of recession, which has covered the World Economic Forum with a long shadow.Among the chief economists of private and public sectors surveyed by the World Economic Forum, two -thirds are expected to have a global recession this year. About 18%of them believe that "it is likely" to have a global recession, which is more than twice the results of the survey last September.

Reuters reported that Zahidi, executive director of the World Economic Forum (WeF), announced WefThe statement of the survey results of the survey said: "The current high inflation, low growth, high debt and high fragmented environment have reduced the investment incentives required to restore growth and improve the world's most vulnerable group living standards."

The results of the

WeF survey are based on the 22 investigations of senior economists such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), investment banking, multinational corporations, and reinsurance groups.

In addition, Pwa's Monday (January 16) in the CEO survey report released by Davos completely reversed optimistic expectations of 2021 and 2022.Of the more than 4,400 CEOs around the world, up to 73%are expected to decline in global economic growth in the next 12 months.This is the most pessimistic view of the CEO since Pricewater -Yongdao opened this president's investigation more than ten years ago.

The World Bank's forecast of the growth forecast of many countries in 2023 last week was close to the level of recession. The reason was that the impact of the central bank's interest rate hikes increased, Russia's war in Ukraine continued, and the world's major economic engines were stagnant.

This year's World Economic Forum was held in Davos, eastern Switzerland from January 16th to 20th. Since the upstart of crown disease, it is the first time in winter.