Ukrainian President Zelei Sky constantly calls on Western countries to provide modern heavy -duty tanks developed by Western development. Analysts believe that these tanks are crucial to fighting in eastern Ukraine, where heavy armor is needed to break through the strong line of defense of the Russian army.

(Moscow / Davos Composite Electric) The intimate ally and former President Medvedev of Russian President Putin, on Thursday (January 19) with a warning of the Russian and Ukraine War, said that defeating the nucleus in conventional warsBig powers may trigger nuclear war.

Medvedev, who is currently the vice chairman of the National Security Conference, said on Telegram to discuss NATO military aid Ukraine: "The failure of nuclear powers in conventional wars may trigger nuclear war.Lost in the conflict. "

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Medvedev has repeatedly issued a threat of nuclear disaster.In September last year, he was strongly condemned in social media with "nuclear threats".

Medvedev served as the president of Russia from 2008 to 2012.Medvedev said that NATO and other national defense leaders held meetings at the US Air Force Base in Ramstein, Germany on Friday to discuss strategies and support Ukraine to defeat Russia, and they should consider the risk of doing so.

Russia and the United States are the two largest nuclear powers in the world and have about 90 % of the world's nuclear warheads.According to data from the U.S. Scientist Federation, Russia has 5977 nuclear warheads and 5,428 in the United States.

Putin is the ultimate decision maker using nuclear weapons.

The media asked Medvedev's remarks whether Russia was upgrading the crisis, the Kremlin spokesman Peskov responded: "No, this is definitely not the meaning."

Peskov claims that Moderjev's remarks are in line with Russia's nuclear strategy, that is, when the country's survival is threatened, it will conduct nuclear blows.

Although NATO has conventional military advantages in Russia, Russia has nuclear advantages in NATO in terms of nuclear weapons.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg revealed at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday that NATO member states will announce heavier weapons for Ukraine.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin will hold a meeting of about 50 countries in Ramstein on Friday, including 30 member states in NATO.

Stoltenberg said that the information to be issued on Friday conference is that countries will provide more support for Ukraine, and more advanced, heavier and modern weapons, because this is for our (Western) valuesWar. "

Many allies in Ukraine have already planned to strengthen military aid for Ukraine this month. Last Saturday, Britain became the first country to provide Western heavy tanks.The United States has promised to provide a powerful Bradley infantry chariot, and France provides highly mobility AMX-10 RC light tanks.

Ukrainian President Zelei Sky constantly calls on Western countries to provide modern heavy -duty tanks developed by Western development. Analysts believe that these tanks are crucial to fighting in eastern Ukraine, where heavy armor is needed to break through the strong line of defense of the Russian army.

Earlier on Wednesday, Polish Prime Minister Moravitzki said Poland was trying to persuade European allies to provide up to 100 main battle tanks to support Ukraine to resist the Russian army.

When the Canadian Secretary of Defense Antan visited Kiev on Wednesday, he announced that he would donate 200 armored armored vehicles to the Ukraine.He said: "These tanks provide the most advanced first -class technology, which can easily install weapons."

These chariots were part of the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's military assistance of 500 million Canadian dollars (about S $ 490 million) last November.Last week Trudeau had announced the donation of the air defense system made by the US to Ukraine.

Europe and the United States hope that Germany will supply Ukraine Type 2 tanks. This type of tank is one of the most sophisticated tanks in the West.

After the British announced that it provided Ukraine with the main battle tank, it put greater pressure on Germany.

German Prime Minister Tsurtz told the participants at the Davos Forum on Wednesday that Germany provided many weapons for Ukraine before and after, and the number was second only to the United States and the United Kingdom.

Bloomberg quoted insiders, the United States plans to transport 100 powerful Stryker armored vehicles to Ukraine.According to the U.S. Army's introduction on the Internet, Stryker has 18 types, including armored vehicles and transport vehicles equipped with anti -tank missiles.