experts pointed out that all countries hope to take action first, and as a result, they fall into a vicious circle of dislocations. The tension in East Asia continues to heat up, but there is no restraint and arms control.

(Washington Composite Electric) Analysis article by the United States CNN (CNN) pointed out that Asia has entered a large -scale arms race that has never been seen before, and is facing the risk of out of control.

Analysis, this competition involves three major nuclear military countries and a rapidly developing nuclear military country, as well as the world's three major economies.One side is American and Asian allies Japan and South Korea, one is China and Russia, and the other is North Korea.

Analysis also says that it has become very clear to speed up the arms competition with Asia, that is, the United States, Japan and South Korea will be a overall participation, not an isolated individual.

Last week, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Nada visited Washington, and the United States and Japan emphasized that it would strengthen security cooperation. US President Biden supported Japan to significantly increase national defense expenses.Kishida last Friday for China's military activities in the East China Sea and launched ballistic missiles in August last year and fell in the waters near Japan to express concerns.Kishida warned Beijing not to try to change the international order, and said that the United States and Europe must be united and dealt with on the issue of China.

Analysis said that the United States, Japan, and South Korea have recently strengthened military cooperation and believe that this is a deterrent method for China and North Korea.However, for China and North Korea, this has led to the upgrading of the situation.

China and North Korea saw that Japan recently promised to double the defense expenditure, while buying weapons that can crack down on targets in China and North Korea.China is worried that Tokyo will return to the military expansion during World War II, and warn Tokyo's actions to threaten East Asian peace again.

Kim Jong -un, a North Korean leader who has continuously launched missile tests in the near future, also claims that he will produce a large number of "nuclear bombs".Kim Jong -un has publicly stated that it will increase the number of nuclear weapons from this year, and is building a "oversized" motor rocket launcher fleet, which can launch a nuclear warhead to hit any place in the south.

The Korean Institute of Defense Analysis issued a report last Thursday saying that Kim Jong -un's army expansion plan may be made into 300 nuclear warheads in the next few years.Compared with a year ago, this is a great expansion.In 2022, Stockholm International Institute of International Peace is estimated to have 20 assembled nuclear warheads and the ability to make up to 55 nuclear bombs.

Once North Korea has more than 300 nuclear bombs, it will surpass France and Britain, and only lags behind Russia, the United States and China in the global nuclear reserve ranking.Faced with the poor soldiers, South Korea will expand their army or even establish their own nuclear arsenal to respond.According to analysis, the South and North Korea's thoughts of more nuclear weapons are unwilling to see the United States. Even if South Korea has nuclear weapons, it is highly vigilant in the United States.

Russia has always demonstrated military power in the Pacific, including sent warships and Chinese ships and planes in December last year to conduct a weekly actual bomb exercise in the East China Sea.

Experts pointed out that all countries hope to take action first, and as a result, the vicious cycle of out of control is fell into a vicious cycle of control. The tension in East Asia continues to heat up, but there is no restraint and arms control.

Pan Da, a nuclear policy expert at Washington Think Capital Condi International Peace Foundation, told CNN: "We will continue to see the military reserve competition in East Asia. There are no restraint measures. We have no way to control military reserve."