(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Defense Minister Gandz stated that Israel may attack Iran's nuclear facilities within two or three years, rarely pointed out a possible timetable for mobilizing military operations.

Gandz said on Wednesday (December 28) at the Air Force Pilot Graduation Ceremony that Israel has improved the preparation measures to attack Iran.

He said: "Two or three years later, you may cross the sky to the east and participate in the attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. We have been preparing such preparations. In recent years, the preparations have been greatly improved."

The re -negotiations of the Iranian nuclear military agreement in 2015 still stagnate. Although Iran has denied that nuclear bombs will be made, it is increasing the intensity of uranium concentration.Experts say that Iran may increase uranium to weapon levels in the short term, but they also say that it will take several years to create a nuclear warhead.

Over the past 10 years, as long as Israel believes that the diplomacy of the world's and Iran has fallen into a dead end, Israel will threaten attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities.However, there are still some experts suspecting whether Israel has the ability to cause persistence, decentralized and tight defense Iranian goals.

Israeli media reported on Sunday that the Israeli military intelligence department predicts that Iran will continue to develop nuclear capabilities in 2023.It is reported that Iran will change this policy only when facing the international impact of extreme sanctions, and instead decides to accelerate uranium concentration to weapon levels."

A military spokesperson in Israel confirmed that the report quoted real intelligence assessment.

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, there may be new variables.This is because Iran begins to provide weapons and equipment to Russia.Today, Israel is increasingly worried that Russia relying on the weapons provided by Iran in the Ukrainian war, which may prompt Iran to seek Russia's assistance in nuclear weapons.

Israel does not accept Iran's statement on a peaceful use of nuclear plans, and stated that it will take any necessary measures to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear bombs.

In 1981, Israel attacked the Osirak nuclear reactor near the Iraqi capital Baghdad, stifling the ambition of the then Iraqi President Saddam.Israel later destroyed an unfinished nuclear reactor in Syria in 2007.