Putin also accuses the West of "Russia aims to split Russia and historically.He used the concept of "Russia in history" to argue that Ukraine and Russians belong to the same nation, while Russia launched an offensive to Ukraine to unite the Russian people. This direction is correct.

(Moscow Comprehensive) Russian President Putin said Russia prepared to negotiate with the relevant parties on the Ukrainian war, but Ukraine and Western countries refused to negotiate.Ukraine responded that Putin himself did not want to negotiate.

In an interview played on Sunday on Sunday, Russia said: "We are ready to negotiate with all aspects of feasible solutions, but this depends on them, we are not the party to refuse to negotiate."

Putin also accused the West of "Russia aims to split Russia, in history."He used the concept of "Russia in history" to argue that Ukraine and Russians belong to the same nation, while Russia launched an offensive to Ukraine to unite the Russian people. This direction is correct.

For Putin, the consultant of Ukraine President Zernezki said that Putin must return to reality and acknowledge that Russia is unwilling to negotiate.He accused Russia of unilaterally launched attacks, killed Ukraine civilians, and criticized Russia who did not want to negotiate, but tried to shake off their responsibilities.

Wu Foreign Minister asked the UN Security Council to cancel the eligibility of Russian permanent members

Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba said that it will formally require the UN Security Council to cancel Russia's permanent member of the Security Council on Monday."We have a very simple question: Is Russia eligible to continue to serve as a permanent member of the Security Council or even staying in the United Nations? We have a convincing and reasonable answer -no, it is not qualified."

Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and China are the five permanent members of the Security Council, and have the right to veto the draft resolution of the Security Council.

The Vice Chairman of the Russian National Security Conference, Medvedev, wrote at the Russian Daily on Sunday that there are currently two factors that stop West's war against Russia, that is, Russia's nuclear arsenal and Moscow's rules for using nuclear weapons.He also insisted that Russia will continue to fight in Ukraine until the overthrow of Kiev's "almost completely fascized regime" and Ukraine are completely militaryized.

The Russian army continued to bombard Ukraine town on Christmas day.The Supreme Military Command of Ukraine said that the Russian army fired more than 10 rockets on the Halkov region in the Northeast day, shelling at least 25 cities located on the front line of the Curbisk Lyman, and bombarded the Zhapollo hot in the southeast.Nearly 20 towns.

White Ross announced that Russia's Iskander missile system and S-400 air defense system deployed in White Ross have been ready, and military personnel have also completed training to perform pre-tasks.

The Eskander missile system that replaced the "Scud" missile during the Soviet Union period can carry conventional warheads or nuclear warheads. The missile range is 500 kilometers.The S-400 air defense system is a Russian mobility-to-air missile interception system that can intercept aircraft, drones and cruise missiles.