(Morning News) Russia President Putin said that Russia was ready to negotiate with all participants in the Ukraine War, but Ukraine and Western countries supporting Ukraine refused to negotiate.Kiev refers to Moscow unwilling to negotiate.

Reuters reported that Putin said on Sunday (December 25) on Sunday (December 25) on Russia's first channel (Rossiya 1): "We are ready to negotiate with all relevant solutions with all relevant parties, butThis depends on them -the person who refuses to negotiate is not us but them. "

In response, a consultant at Ukraine President Zeroski said that Putin needs to face reality, and it is Russia who is unwilling to negotiate.

Podoliak, a senior adviser to Zelei, wrote on Twitter: "The Ukrainian war was made by Russia and they killed our citizens."

Podoliak said: "Russia does not want to negotiate at all, but is still trying to escape their responsibilities."

Zelei said in a daily video speech that Moscow's goal was to make Ukraine fall into darkness and difficulties in the last few days of 2022.Russia's attack on Ukraine's power stations caused millions of people to power off.

Zellennki said: "Russia has lost everything in this year ... I know that darkness cannot stop us from letting the occupant get more defeats. But we must prepare for any situation."

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said that key infrastructure across the country still faces the threat of air strikes and missile attacks.