In order to avoid the end of the Congress of Congress next year, Kishida Cabinet replaced Qiu Yexian, the Minister of Revival, which involved the money scandal, and improper remarks on the minority group.Suga fields.

In order to avoid the exterior of Congress and internal affairs next year, the first shore of Japanese Prime Minister Tian Wenxiong was on the eve of the New Year, and he replaced the two cabinet ministers in one breath.And the improper remarks on the sex minority group (LGBT), the second officer of the government affairs of the public opinion.

Qiu Yexian was also accused of involving the money scandal, including paying the campaign fee to his secretary in the House of Representatives in 2021.In addition, his mother's rental property gave his political group and received a rent without tax.In the end, the constituency branch was also exposed to donate money and shared offices to unified teaching.

He is the fourth minister of the Kishida Cabinet in just two months.Earlier, the replacement of the former Economic Revitalization Minister Yamanaka Daizhi Lang, former Legal Minister Ye Likanghong, and former General Affairs Minister Sitama.

Japan is ready to be held in the Congress held next year in the wild party, and stepped up to take Akiya that was trapped in the scandal.Officials around Kishida pointed out that "In the expansion of inflation and defense budgets, the consideration of the fiscal budget in 2023 must be avoided. This is the biggest reason to determine Qiuye's resignation this year."

In addition, some analysts believe that only Kishida can only settle the Prime Minister in the internal affairs of Congress and implement his "Hiroshima Seven Kingdoms Summit" diplomacy next year.

After the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated in January, multiple political figures of the Liberal Democratic Party were exploded and the relationship between unified religion was closely related, resulting in the support rate of Kishida.After the Qiuye scandal was exposed, the daily news polls showed that the support rate of Kishida cabinet has fallen to 25%.

Watanabe Bodo is filled with autumn leaf vacancies

Kishida accepted the resignation letter of Akiham, and immediately appointed the former Minister of Fuxing Watanabe to fill the vacancies.Kishida explained later: "Decided to accept Akiham's resignation to not affect the Congress's budget and important bills. The revival budget has been determined last week, and the reconstruction promotion conference is also over today, so I agree with his resignation proposal."

It has been reported that the Liberal Democratic Party originally selected the Minister of Finance Ito to replace the post of Minister of Fortune, but Kishida felt that Watanabe was more familiar with the reconstruction.

Kishida also reflects on his appointment responsibility.He said, "I attach great importance to the personnel of the minister, and I also deeply understand my appointment responsibility. The issues that must be dealt with are stacked. I just want to fulfill my political responsibility and fulfill my responsibilities."

The Kishida Cabinet is accused of a "timing bomb", which is the female second officer Sugata Water.In order to avoid being investigated by the opposition party, she was also declared to be offered.Sugita was accused of being proud of his speech and denied his words in Congress to deny the "equality of men and women" policy.She said: "I think equality between men and women will never be realized, it is an immoral fantasy."

In addition, she also published an article targeted at a minority group, saying that "they have no productivity."