(Seoul Composite Electric) Five North Korean drones on Monday (December 26) crossing the military division of South Korea and North Korea to lead South Korea.Essence

Yin Xiyue said on Thursday (29th) to inspect the development of anti -drone weapon systems at the Institute of National Defense Sciences, saying that it will not tolerate North Korea's drones to invade South Korea's lead, and North Korea must know that provocations must pay a heavy price.

Li Zhaiming, deputy spokesperson of the Presidential Office of South Korea, said that during the inspection, Yin Xiyue stated that he resolutely countercrigorated and severely punished the Korean provocations.

In addition, the Korean Army conducted a centralized air defense exercise on the same day to make up for the shortcomings of the air weapon and optimized the combat execution system to deal with the threat of North Korea.

It is reported that when the five UAVs in North Korea flew into South Korea to lead the air in South Korea, the South Korean military fighter aircraft and armed helicopters responded to the operation, but failed to hit the target.As a revenge, the Korean side also sent three drones to the north to fly into North Korea to start reconnaissance.

Subsequently, the Korean Army apologized to the failure to shoot down the North Korean drone on the 27th and promised to ensure the anti -drone's anti -aircraft anti -air defense capability.Yin Xiyue said that South Korea will accelerate the construction of a special forces with monitoring and reconnaissance capabilities.

On the other hand, Yin Xiyue is about to usher in the second year of governance. It will further strengthen cooperation with the United States in the field of diplomacy and security, and at the same time strive to return to the right track.

This also means that South Korea will continue to implement the Foreign Tone that maintains the value of liberalism based on the South Korean and American Alliance, and at the same time strive to solve the problem of unsolved and unsolved problems between Korea and Japan.

South Korean Presidential Office officials said on the 29th that when South Korea and the United States ushered in the 70th anniversary of the alliance in 2023, the government strived to further consolidate the global comprehensive strategic alliance in all areas such as security, economy, and technology.

In addition, considering that North Korea's successive launch of high -intensity provocations pose a threat to South Korea, Japan, and even the United States, South Korea, America and Japan will further strengthen security cooperation.

However, in the context of the game of the United States and China, the United States' pressure -pressureing allies participated in the construction of the China Election supply chain, and at the same time passed the inflation reduction bill that was unfavorable to Korean electric vehicles.In this context, how the government seeks profit will become the primary subject.