After Putin ordered the army to start Ukraine in February this year, the Russian side has not admitted to launching a war."Line as criminal crime.However, Putin himself used the word "war" for the first time at a press conference on Thursday, saying that he wanted to end the "war" as soon as possible.

(Washington / Moscow Composite Electric) Russian President Putin finally acknowledged that his military operations in Ukraine were "war", and the United States called on him to withdraw troops from Ukraine immediately.

After Putin ordered the army to open Ukraine in February this year, Russia has not acknowledged that it was a war, and called "special military operations" and also issued a decree to list the use of "misleading terms" as criminal crimes.However, Putin himself used the word "war" for the first time at a press conference on Thursday, saying that he wanted to end the "war" as soon as possible.

In this regard, a US State Department spokesman said: "Since February 24, the United States and the world know that Putin's so -called 'special military operations' are actually unreasonable war against Ukraine. After 300 days, Putin, PutinFinally acknowledged that this was war. After admitting the next step of reality, we urged him to withdraw troops from Ukraine and end the war. "

A spokesman said that no matter what terms of Putin used, reality is that Russia's aggressive neighbors have led to death, destruction and displacement.

A Russian court recently sentenced the opposition party Yasin to eight and a half years in prison. He was charged with the "false information" of the war.Yasin once talked about the "massacre" in the Town of Bucha in Ukraine. After the Russian army retreated, the Ukraine's ejaculation on the streets of the corpse was exhausted and tied up with both hands.

Putin instructed the national defense industry to increase productivity to accelerate production arms

Putin acknowledged that it was a "war", and Russia, who opposed the departure of Ukraine, said that Putin was suspected of spreading the "false information" with the term "war". He wanted to take legal operations on Putin.

On the other hand, Putin instructed the person in charge of the defense industry to improve productivity and accelerate the production of various arms.

When Putin visited Tula on Friday to Tula (TULA), he said: "The most important key task of our military consortium is to provide everything required for troops and front lines in the shortest time: weapons, equipment, equipment, Ammunition and equipment. "

He also said that he hoped that national defense industry experts would cooperate with the front line directly to regularly improve weapons and various hardware.

Putin recently emphasized that the Russian army must learn from the problems encountered in Ukraine and solve it.He also announced that the state will ensure that the needs of the army are met and "have no funding restrictions."

However, Ukraine believes that Russia's military activities in Beros are not going to launch an offensive from Ukraine, but to try to adjust the tiger to leave the mountain and hit the west.

The Director of the General Administration of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Budhovov, said in an interview with the New York Times that Russia's increase in military operations in northern White Ross was an attempt to seduce the Ukraine from the theater in the southeast to the border with Baillo.

He believes that this is actually a regular exercise of the Russian and Belarine Army, or the false actions of the Russian army to confuse audiovisual.In fact, there is no intelligence so far showing that the Russian army will launch an offensive from Bairos to Ukraine.

He also said that there is no commando in the Russian army, and the training camp is full of new mobilized civilians. After training, they will send it to the Donbas area of Wudong.

Western countries' aid commitments to Ukraine increased again.The Prime Minister of the Netherlands announced on Friday that it will provide a assistance of 2.5 billion euros (S $ 3.59 billion) next year, of which nearly 2 billion euros are military support.