(Tokyo Composite Electric) Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita said on Tuesday (December 27) that before the implementation of tax increase with increased defense expenses, a general election may be disbanded in advance.

Although the support rate of the cabinet continued to decline and faced the strong opposition within the ruling alliance, the Kishida government still plans to implement tax increases to make up for the gap of 1 trillion yen (about S $ 10 billion) in the national defense budget.

According to the Kyodo News, Kishida said in a program broadcast on Tuesday night BS-TBS that it will start tax increases from the "appropriate time" from 2024 to 2027. "The start time will be decided in the future.There are elections. "

Kishida did not mention the specific time of dissolution of parliament. However, Bloomberg reported that Kishida was involved in a number of media such as Kyodo News Agency and said that he did not intend to hold a general election next year.The next national election in Japan was held in 2025, unless Prime Minister Kishida asked for advance.

Kishida Wenxiong recently announced the adoption of new national security strategies and plans to increase national defense expenses to 2%of the GDP (GDP) by 2027.To implement the new national security strategy, an additional 1 trillion yen funds are required.

According to Kishida, the income obtained by the increasing tax increase will pay the increase in the increase in defense. The increasing tax category is corporate income tax, personal income tax and tobacco tax.However, the latest polls show that up to 70%of Japanese people oppose tax increases.Most interviewees believe that Kishida's explanation is not sufficient enough to increase taxes.

The President of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s Government Investigation, Shi Shengtian, seized the tax increase on TV a week on TV, and launched a challenge on the other hand, saying that“ the prime minister needs to dissolve the parliament, clarify the tax increase policy, and learn from the people. ”

Visit the United States next month to deepen alliance relations

The polls carried out in the middle of this month of Japan's Daily News showed that the support rate of the Kishida government has fallen to 25%, a decrease of six percentage points from last month, and the lowest level since ruling;69%, a new high since the governance.

Analysis of Nikkei News, Kishida considers increasing corporate taxes, etc. to develop financial resources, which also impacts his support rate.

According to the Yomiuri News, the Japan and the US government have reached a consensus on holding a Summit of Japan and the United States in Washington on January 13 next year.This will be the first time Kishida has held talks with President Biden Biden for the first time since he took office.

Several officials of the Japanese government revealed that Kishida is expected to explain to the United StatesU.S. League Relations.