(Morning News) Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Novak said that Moscow is ready to resume natural gas to Europe through the Amal-European pipeline.

Reuters reported that Novak said in an interview published on Sunday (December 25) of Tas Society: "The European market is still important, Europe continues to face the problem of natural gas shortage, we will have the opportunity to restore supply at any time." He said that the Amal-European pipeline was "idle because of political factors."

Novak's LNG (LNG), a LNG (LNG), which Russia is transported to Europe in 2022, will reach 21 billion cubic meters.

The starting point of the Amal-European pipeline is located in the Russian Amal Peninsula and the natural gas fields of Sicibieria, passing through Berlos, and ending in Poland and Germany.

Since December 2021, Poland no longer buys natural gas from Russia, and uses the natural gas stored in Germany, leading to a natural gas transmitted to the westward to the west of the Amar-European pipeline.