(Bloomberg, Washington) The United States is responsible for investigating the riots of the Capitol of the Capitol on January 6 last year.This suggestion is almost impossible to pass.

However, for the advocacy organization of Trump's 2024 campaign of presidential constitutional qualifications in 2024, the value of the committee's investigation report is not in the future legislation.The evidence was quoted by the Constitution to prohibit Trump from participating in the state election.

The survey report released on Thursday (December 22) directly blamed Trump's riots in the Mountains of Congress, saying that he tried to subvert democracy and should face criminal charges that instigated riots.

The chairman of the "people's free speech" group pointed out that no matter what actions of Congress will take, "according to Article 14 of the Constitution, the states must include Trump, including Trump to prevent them from the state election in the state election.In addition, ".

The survey report also revealed that after the 2020 presidential election was defeated, Trump raised more than 250 million US dollars (about S $ 338 million), and claimed to be used to "stop theft votes" and crack down on ""Election fraud", but the funds were used for him after the funds.

Most of the funds flow to Trump's "Save the American Political Action Committee" established by Trump, but according to the law, the organization can only use $ 5,000 to challenge the results of the election.Give a group that supports Trump's 2024 campaign.

In addition, according to the testimony announced on Friday evening, a few days after the attack on the Capitol, some members of Trump's cabinet had discussed and asked him to resign, or quoted the Constitution to remove him.

At that time, the Secretary of State Pompeo told the Congress of the Investigation Committee that the Minister of Labor Skalia asked him if he was willing to meet Trump with other cabinet members and persuaded him to resign.