(Washington / Taipei Comprehensive News) The US Defense Authorization Act will be approved in the Senate next year, and it will be sent to President Biden to sign a law.In addition to authorizing the United States to provide US $ 10 billion (about S $ 13.5 billion) for free military assistance in the next five years, the bill will also allow US government officials to exchange for two years.

According to Reuters and Taiwan United News Network, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act last week, and the Senate also passed the total amount of over 858 billion U.S. dollars on Thursday (December 15).

This is more than $ 45 billion in budgets required by Biden, and it is more than $ 80 billion over the authorized amount of the previous fiscal year.The bill authorized to increase the salary of the soldiers by 4.6 %, and let the Ministry of Defense buy new weapons.


Act will also authorize the United States to pass the Foreign Military financing (FMF) plan to provide Taiwan with a US $ 2 billion unpaid military aid each year for five years, and requires the US government to speed up military sales of Taiwan.The U.S. Congress has passed the National Defense Authorization Act every year since 1961.

The National Defense Authorization Act is clearly determined, but there is no right to decide on the final appropriation.Congress must pass the funding bill to give the government to use the power of relevant funds.The Taiwan Central News Agency believes that in the case of limited FMF funds, the final funding amount is likely to be lower than $ 2 billion per year, and how low depends on the results of the subsequent negotiations.

Taiwan ’s official response thanks to the US Congress for showing strong support.The Ministry of National Defense said that the move helps the Taiwan military to build a war and ensure the free opening and peaceful stability of the Indo -Pacific region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that they will closely pay close attention to the review of the relevant funds of the National Defense Authorization Act in the funding bill.

Before the Senate's voting of the bill, parliamentarians have to provide Taiwan with differences in unpaid military aid (Grants) or Loans.Defense News reported that according to the National Defense Authorization Act, Taiwan must pay off loans from the United States within 12 years; Taiwan hopes to win free military aid.

In addition to the US $ 10 billion unpaid military aid, the National Defense Authorization Act that the two houses of the Congress of the Congress also allowed the United States to provide another $ 2 billion loan to Taiwan.The bill also authorizes the US President's use of Presidential Drawdown Authority. It uses the US Ministry of Defense's inventory of up to $ 1 billion to Taiwan each year.

US officials can go to Taiwan for two years


The Act also required Secretary of State to let the qualified American citizens who have qualified US government officials to communicate in Taiwan for two years.In addition to learning Chinese and Taiwan's humanities history, participants will also go to Taiwan government departments, private sectors and other services.

Japanese Economic News quoted US Congress sources reported that in the past, the United States would arrange government officials to stay in Taiwan for several months. It is rare for the two years of waiting for two years in Taiwan.

The National Defense Authorization Act also allows the United States to provide at least 800 million US dollars of additional security assistance to Ukraine, and requires the Minister of Defense to withdraw the provisions of the armed forces members who need to vaccinate the vaccine.