(Berlin Comprehensive) German Chancellor Tsumarz on Friday (November 4), he led a group to visit Beijing. He showed that Germany seemed to cooperate with China but would not ignore controversial issues.

China has closed the border for more than three years due to a crown disease. Tsutz is the first leader of Western countries visiting. He will meet with Chinese official and Prime Minister Li Keqiang.For Germany, Shuortz's trip to China must take into account the balance in all aspects, and discuss issues such as business interests and human rights.

Before the start of the journey, it wrote in Frankfurt that China is still an important economic and trading partner in Germany and Europe, and Germany does not want to be "decoupled" with China.He said that on the global issue, China plays a key role, and Germany and China should seek cooperation that meets the interests of both parties.

Internal and some members of the European Union hope to reduce dependence on China

However, Shuerz also pointed out that China today is not the same as five or 10 years ago, and the communication between Germany and China must also change.He said that Germany must accept competition, take the consequences of competition seriously, and incorporate these consequences into policy considerations to solve problems.He emphasized that he would not ignore controversial issues, and listed the "difficult subjects" that would propose to China, including respect for citizens' freedom, the rights of Xinjiang ethnic minorities, and freedom and fair world trade.

Internal and EU members are worried about visiting China.They hope to learn from the lessons of excessive relying on Russia's natural gas supply and reduce dependence on China in economics and trade.

Souls said that he would not speak the entire European Union, but German foreign policy "only succeeded in the European strategy as a whole in Europe."So he coordinated with European partners, including French President Macron, before his visit."When I went to Beijing as a German Prime Minister, I also visited as a European."

Germany's approval of Chinese -funded shares causing external attention

The German government approved Chinese capital to buy 24.9%of the shares of a container terminal in Hamburg last week.Although this is lower than the 35%equity of Chinese capital, it does not reduce the concerns of the outside world about the transaction.

Anonymous officials from the US State Department revealed that the United States has reminded Germany not to allow China to obtain a controlling equity at the Hamburg Port Port, because the transaction will "be regarded as measuring how much Germany is in and willing to take a strong stance on trading partners."

U.S. officials revealed that the United States has always cooperated with European partners to ensure that European countries take appropriate measures to ensure that any investment in China's strategic fields that may cause security issues has been carefully reviewed.

In response to U.S. officials, the United States had pressured Germany to allow Chinese companies to get Hamburg Port control equity. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on Thursday that Sino -German pragmatic cooperation is between two sovereign countries.In the case, the United States was not qualified to intervene.

Zhao Lijian pointed out that China and Germany are all -round strategic partners. This year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Since half a century, the cooperation between exchanges has fully proved that the consensus between the two countries is more than different, and the cooperation is far greater than competition.