(Paris Comprehensive) Bretton, an internal market commissioner of the European Union, said that the European government and enterprises must realize that China is a competitor of the European Union, so it should not be so naive when approved China's investment.

Bretton's speech seems to be partially targeted at Germany.German Prime Minister Tsurtz will visit Beijing on Friday (November 4).Germany has recently decided to approve some of the domestic Hong Kong port Hamburg Port to a Chinese company.

Bretton said in an interview with Reuters that compared with the initial proposal, he "prefer" the German government's decision to sell 25%of Hamburg Port to China Zhongyuan Shipping Group because the original proposal was to be soldMore than one -third of the equity has made Zhongyuanhai Transport a minority shareholder with veto.

Bretton said: "We must be very vigilant." He said that since the European Union listed China as a "systemic competitor in 2019", the European Union has adopted a series of can be used to prevent investment in key infrastructure.measure."EU member states can decide whether to use them and change their behavior."

The visit to China this week will be the first visit to China since the crown disease is popular.

French and German government sources said that French President Macron had suggested to Tsuberts to Beijing together to send a signal of unity of the European Union to Beijing, and counterattack their attempts to try to fight against another country by one country; butTsutz rejected Macron's proposal.

Bretton was asked when he was asked about Tsold, saying that EU countries should adopt a more united way."The very important point is that the behavior of member states to China has become more coordinated rather than in China."

Bretton said that the EU's more defensive approach to China was the result of the attitude adopted by Beijing during the crown disease. At that time, China used the dependence of Chinese masks and other equipment to obtain foreign influence."We can't forget all this. The innocent era is over, and the opening of the European market is conditional."

He also warned to European companies intending to increase investment in China, arguing that investing in an increasingly "authoritarian" country must be risky at their own risk.