(Canberra Bloomberg) Australian Minister of Resources Madeleine Kim said that because China firmly controls the global rare earth and key mineral markets, Western countries hope to get rid of this aspect to be dependent on China."" ".

Rare earth and key minerals are essential for national defense, aerospace and automobile industries.Madeleine King said in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg: "China has already foreseen and make full use of this demand."

But she also shows that this will not prevent Australia and the United States from jointly increase investment in these important minerals to break China's monopoly on the international supply chain.She said that Canberra hopes to fully rely on natural advantages to become a source of alternatives outside China.

Lithium, cobalt, COBALT, Platinum, and rare earth are used to create various products that are vital to national security and respond to climate change, including jet engines, photovoltaic boards, electric cars, etc.EssenceAustralia is one of the countries with the most resource reserves and one of the largest producers of important minerals.

Western Australia is the area with the largest lithium and rare earth capacity in Australia.Siriana Nair, the chief consul of the capital of the capital of the United States in Western Australia, said Australia and the United States have strong common strategic benefits in protecting key mineral supply chains.

Although Nael does not name China the goal of strengthening cooperation in the United States and Australia, it is pointed out that the only source of the key resources is a big disadvantage and defect."I think no country will hope that the global supply chain is too dependent on such a single point failure. This is a wise policy."

Australian mineral reserves have not reached the peak

Madeleine Kim said that Australia is still doing more mining exploration work, and the local reserves may not reach five to 10 years."This demand will continue for a long time. Therefore, we must continue to release more minerals."

She said that in addition to China's monopoly, other recent incidents have also attracted much attention from the Australian key mineral industry, including reducing inflation bills passed by the United States in August.According to this bill, the Biden government will invest billions of dollars to strengthen the key mineral supply chain of the United States and allies.

In June this year, Lynas Rare Earths, Australia, received a contract of US $ 120 million (about 169 million yuan) in the United States, and will build a rare earth treatment facility in the United States.Lenas is the only large company outside China to produce and refine rare earth.

The Australian Labor government not only wants to minimize key minerals, but also hopes to invest in domestic processing capabilities. The ultimate goal is to promote the development of Australian green manufacturing.

Madeleine Kim said that Australia's lithium processing capabilities have just begun to exert their entire potential.

"Before that, we export these minerals directly to China like others. We now know that we need to make more production in China to ensure the security of our supply chain with our partners."