(Washington / Beijing Composite Television) U.S. Secretary of State Brillings on Sunday (October 30) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked to the phone to discuss bilateral and international issues such as Sino -US competition, showing that there seemed to be signs of thawing in Sino -US relations.

The US State Department spokesman Prince issued a statement saying that the two discussed that it was necessary to maintain public dialogue and manage the relationship between the two countries in a responsible manner.Blint also expressed concerns about the Russian and Urotic War and its global security and economic stability.

Reuters said that the United States has repeatedly emphasized that the communication channels for the United States and China must be unobstructed, which also shows that if Beijing supports the consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.China has insisted on maintaining neutrality on the issue of the Ukrainian war and has always criticized Western sanctions to Russia, but did not support or assist Russia's military operations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China issued a statement on Monday that Wang Yi urged the United States to stop curbing and targeting China during the call, and do not create new obstacles to relations between the two countries.Wang Yi pointed out that Washington's export control to China seriously violated the rules of free trade and damaged the legitimate rights and interests of China, and must be corrected.

The US export control mentioned by Wang Yi obviously refers to Washington's recent restrictions on China to obtain chip manufacturing technology.

Wang Yi told Brinken that promoting Sino -US relations to return to the stable development orbit not only in line with the common interests of China and the United States, but also the general expectations of the international community.

In response to issues such as the Russian and Ukraine War, Wang Yi emphasized that all parties should maintain restraint to avoid further upgrades or even out of control, and should seek peace through negotiations as much as possible.

The US Ambassador to China Berns just met with Wang Yi last Friday.This is the first time Bernus visited China Foreign Minister in the first eight months after arriving in Beijing.

U.S. President Bynden said on Wednesday that the United States does not seek conflict with China.He said at a meeting with senior US military that day that China and the United States had fierce competition, but there was no need to be conflict.Biden also pointed out that he often talked with Chinese officials, and the other party also knew the United States' attitude towards China.

On the same day, Chinese officials stated that China is willing to work with the United States to find ways to get along with both parties.Chinese officials say that China and the United States are two major powers, and the two sides strengthen communication and cooperation, which will help promote the peace and development of the world.

China and the United States are preparing for the official meeting with Chinese officials during the Twenty Group (G20) summit held in Bali, Indonesia in November.If China -US leaders have confirmed the meeting, it will be the first face -to -face talks with Chinese officials since taking office.