(Tokyo Reuters) Some government officials and experts in Japan believe that from the five years from the 20th CPC to 2027, Japan will start the largest scale since the end of World War II.To curb China's ignition of war in East Asia.

Japan's 2019 Defense White Paper has listed China as the main opponent, worried that Beijing ignores international norms, rapid military modernization, and continues to pressure Taiwan, which constitutes a serious security threat to East Asia.After the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, this increasing security anxiety has weakened Japanese public opinion against the strengthening of armed forces.

Professor Kawaka Kawaka, a professor at Tokyo Topang University, said that the Japanese government can expand its military strength in the trend.In the year when the 2027th military advantage was set up in China to achieve East Asian military advantages, the Japanese government could win the public support to increase national defense expenses.

In addition to the 2127, the People's Liberation Army was also established for the establishment of a century -old and military modernization milestone in 2027.Davidson, commander of the United States India Command, has pointed out last year that China may be committed to Taiwan this year.

If China recovers Taiwan, it is economically and military disaster for Japan.The import of oil and industrial raw materials in Japan will be affected, and the Chinese Navy can also use the base of Taiwan Island to enter and exit the Western Pacific.

A Japanese official who participated in the National Defense Construction Plan said, "The importance of 2027, all government officials have consensus."

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that Japan used China as an excuse for expanding the army. In a written reply to Reuters in writing: "Japanese politicians have repeatedly used China as an excuse to exaggerate the tension in East Asia. The Japanese side is to have to do it.Try to strengthen military forces. "

Reuters: similar to Taiwan or the Taiwan Strait conflict

Reuters pointed out that China -Japan diplomacy and economic relations are subtle, making it unlikely that Japan is promising to participate in defending Taiwan directly, but the closest distance from Japan to Taiwan is only 150 kilometers.Four times more strong enemies than it.

Another Japanese officials involved in the defense plan pointed out that China may occupy Japan's islands near Taiwan and launch attacks from these islands.

In addition, Japan's bases, airports, ports, and other logistics hubs may also become the place where the U.S. military assembles and attract Chinese missile attacks.

Matsuda Kangbo, a professor of international political science at the University of Tokyo, pointed out that Japan must also include that the United States does not respond to the actions of Chinese offense in Taiwan.He mentioned at the US Think Tank's seminar this month that "if Japan can strengthen self -defense, China’ s assessment of attacking the US military in Japan will be very different, and the cost and risk of attacks will increase. "

The polls announced by the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) showed that 55 % of the 1,247 people interviewed agreed to increase military expenses; 61 % of them agreed to reduce some public expenses for military expenses.

The Japanese ruling party Free Democratic Party won in the Senate in July this year. Prime Minister Kishita Nada promised to greatly increase national defense expenditure.Wan Xinyuan).

When the Japanese Prime Minister announced a comprehensive security strategy in December, it will explain the details of the military expenditure plan.Under this security strategy, Japan is expected to play a more important role in East Asia's security.