Society: Trusting Sino -US relations is related to global well -being
Society: Trusting Sino -US relations is related to global well -being
The relationship between the United States and two major powers in China is ups and downs.In August 2022, Pelosi, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States, visited Taiwan, causing strong dissatisfaction in Beiji...
2023-10-09 04:42:56
Han Heyuan: South Korea's property market may repeat the same mistakes in Japan
Han Heyuan: South Korea's property market may repeat the same mistakes in Japan
The global real estate market is experiencing shock adjustment. The most powerful vibration is South Korea. House prices that have been plummeted all the way have made many Koreans feel painful.A property in Jiangnan District, a rich man in...
2023-10-09 04:42:54
Chen Liujun: Social source of network violence
Chen Liujun: Social source of network violence
Recently, the Chinese Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security issued guidance on punishment of cyber violations in accordance with the law (draft for comments).On the 25th, if there is...
2023-10-09 04:42:51
Zhang Ruofeng: The deepening cooperation of Russia and Myanmar will complicate Myanmar
Zhang Ruofeng: The deepening cooperation of Russia and Myanmar will complicate Myanmar
Myanmar's "2.1" incident, the military has been in charge of regime for more than two years. It has been sanctioned and blocked by all aspects of Western countries in the international community, and the diplomatic situation has fallen into...
2023-10-09 04:42:49
Port: Interpret Liu Deyin's alert to energy supply
Port: Interpret Liu Deyin's alert to energy supply
Source: Taiwan Economic Daily News TSMC recently held a common meeting of shareholders and discussed two challenges around TSMC: the challenges of geopolitics and energy supply. Both of them were not in TSMC and became a problem that TSMC m...
2023-10-09 04:42:46
Fan Zhijing: Isn't the Fed's internal and calm?U.S. stocks may enter the pre
Fan Zhijing: Isn't the Fed's internal and calm?U.S. stocks may enter the pre
Source: First Finance Author: Fan Zhijing Last week, US stocks lasted good performance since June. The Fed suspended the interest rate hike cycle began in March last year. Signs of reduced price pressure and slower economic growth show that...
2023-10-09 04:42:44
Comment: What is the basis for the punishment of Wenzhou villagers to organize dragon
Comment: What is the basis for the punishment of Wenzhou villagers to organize dragon
Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Wei Yijun, Yuan Ye, Yue Deliang Near the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat competition activities were in full swing in many places.However, the two villagers in Wenzhou, Zhejiang have recently attract...
2023-10-09 02:03:25
High -priced research group: alienation into a "kill pig plate"?
High -priced research group: alienation into a "kill pig plate"?
Source: China News Weekly Author: Li Mingzi Two days before the college entrance examination in 2023, early in the morning, Beijing South Railway Station was full of waves of student groups who went out of provincial research.In just one ho...
2023-10-09 02:03:22
Deng Xize: "Suicide Society" under excessive competition
Deng Xize: "Suicide Society" under excessive competition
A visible social phenomenon is that more and more people, especially young people, chose "lying down" or even "lying" attitude and ways of "lying down" due to excessive competition pressure, such as reducing life expectations, reducing or e...
2023-10-09 02:03:19
Vechoi: The Russian army under Putin is no longer brave
Vechoi: The Russian army under Putin is no longer brave
When Russian President Putin ordered the Russian army to invade Ukraine last year, he should have a bamboo speed to win Ukraine, and vowed to achieve three goals: one is Ukraine de -militaryization; the other is to go to Nazi; the third is...
2023-10-09 02:03:17
Liao Jianyu: The Indonesian presidential election gradually becomes a trend of two peo
Liao Jianyu: The Indonesian presidential election gradually becomes a trend of two peo
Indonesian presidential election will be held on February 14 next year.However, the three candidates have now become the focus of people's discussion.Recent polls recently showing the recent polls of Indonesian poll agencies (IndiKator Poli...
2023-10-09 02:03:14
Liu Jiaming: Social contract and citizen obligation
Liu Jiaming: Social contract and citizen obligation
If it was not seen from the news recently, it would be almost forgotten the word "social contract". When studying in the 1970s, the political climate of the world at that time was sensitive. This kind of socialist topics were just "slightly...
2023-10-09 02:03:12
Can Brinken cool down for the tension of the Taiwan Strait?Expert: Unlikely
Can Brinken cool down for the tension of the Taiwan Strait?Expert: Unlikely
Source: Voice of the United States Author: Zhong Chenfang Antony Blinken, Antony Blinken, started to visit China on Friday (June 16). Before the departure of Brinken, officials stated that the United States will be frank with China on the s...
2023-10-09 02:03:09
Society: AI disorderly development of human society may face "ultimate trials"
Society: AI disorderly development of human society may face "ultimate trials"
Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times Industrial and Commercial Society Since the US New Corporation Open AI published a chat robot ChatGPT at the end of 2022, in the past six months, in addition to accelerating the global high -tech A...
2023-10-09 02:03:07
Comment: The topic of the Japanese nuclear wastewater issues become the focus of attac
Comment: The topic of the Japanese nuclear wastewater issues become the focus of attac
Source: Ming Pao Japan previews the nuclear waste water at the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station this year, causing doubts about neighboring countries and regions.Among them, South Korea was arranged for a local inspection last month. S...
2023-10-09 02:03:04