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Since becoming a presidential candidate for the US Democratic Party, the current US Vice President Kamara Harris has become popular with favorable polls and vibrant elections.However, in addition to a good atmosphere, what is the position of Camara Harris on the important issue for American voters?

Although Kamara Harris has not released a comprehensive campaign program, she has experienced the experience of California Senators and Prosecutors, the 2020 presidential campaign, and the subsequent role in the White House.Sri Lanka's position in many policies.

Some of her positions have changed over the years, and even those who have close relationships with her admit that she sometimes has difficulty defining her position.

However, when Kamara Harris was nominated by the Democratic Presidential Campaign at the National Congress of the Democratic Party in Chicago, she tried to compare her wishes to the United States with Republican opponent Trump.

Below is the position of Kamara Harris on ten key issues.


As a senator, Kamara Harris advocated a number of progressive policies, including tuition exemption from paid family leave, economic affordable housing and low -income households.

As Vice President of the United States, when President Biden passed major economic legislation (often classified as "Biden Economics"), Kamara Harris has always been a cooperative partner of Biden, including infrastructure and infrastructure and infrastructure and infrastructure and infrastructure andMajor investment in green energy.

But as inflation and high interest rates continue to bother the American wallets, polls show that the economy is still the most concerned issue for many voters.

Kamara Harris has now announced her economic plan, including providing mortgage assistance to the first home buyer, tax credit offer for newborns parents, and prohibiting grocery stores from coking prices to help suppress inflation.

When she was nominated by the Democratic Party at the National Congress of the Democratic Party that her plan would create "a chance economy, giving everyone a chance to compete, and a chance to succeed."

As a Democratic candidate interviewed for the first time, Camara Harris said, "One of my primary tasks is to do our best to support and strengthen the middle class."


Camara Harris's views on border issues have changed over time.In 2020, when she was nominated by the President of the Democratic Party, she held a considerable progress, such as promising to close the immigration detention center.

In 2021, President Biden asked Kamara Harris to supervise the US's diplomatic efforts made by the United States on the southern border immigration issue as Vice President.

Many Republicans depict Kamara Harris as "border tsar", but her specific task is to cooperate with Chinese American countries to find the "root cause" of people who fled to the United States to solve this problem.

As part of his efforts, Kamara Harris announced in 2023 that she has helped raise about $ 3 billion to invest in communities in the region. These funds are mainly from private companies.She hopes to reduce the attractiveness of immigrants in the United States by providing more opportunities.

Earlier this year, she assisted in passing a tough two -party border security agreement, including the use of hundreds of millions of funds for the construction of border walls.

However, Trump helped abolish the agreement, accusing Bayon's border policy that caused "death, destruction and chaos in each American community."

Kamara Harris said at the National Congress of the Democratic Congress and said that she would "recover the two -party border security bill that was abolished by him (Trump). I will sign it as a law."

In an interview with CNN, Carmara Harris once again revealed her change in this issue.She said that people who crossed the US border illegally "should bear the consequences."


Camara Harris has long supported the right to abandon women for a long time.

Bynden's team worked hard to take abortion rights as one of the core issues of the 2024 US election, and Kamara Harris played a key role in it.For a long time, she has advocated legislation that protects fertility nationwide.

Her position has not changed.

She stated at the 2024 campaign rally held in Atlanta, Georgia, that "when Congress passed a law of freedom of childbirth, as the president of the United States, I will sign it as a law."

Kamara Harris reiterated the promise when the Democratic Party was nominated for the president at the National Congress of the Democratic Party.

Kamara Harris is the first US Vice President to visit the abortion clinic.When the Supreme Court of the United States overthrew the "Roe V Wade" in 2022, she visited all parts of the United States, delivered speeches on more and more abortion ban in the United States, and usually talked about the individuals involved in this

PRO-Choice advocate groups, such as the "Emilys List" and "National Free Organization" since Camara Harris, have officially expressed their statements.Support her.

NATO and Aid Ukraine

Although most of his early career was concentrated in California, since 2017, Camara Harris participated in global affairs more as a senator.

As a senator, Kamara Harris went to Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan and Israel.

As Vice President, Kamara Harris met with leaders of 150 countries and went to 21 countries to visit.

Last year, she attended the Munich Security Conference, expressed his remarks to support the "NATO" in the Western Security Alliance, and condemned isolation.

She also vowed, "As long as you need", she will support Ukraine's war against Russia's invasion.

Camara Harris attended the "Peace Summit" held in Ukraine in Switzerland on behalf of the United States in June and reiterated the support of Washington at the meeting.

Her speech at the National Congress of the Democratic Party said that five days before the Kremlin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, she met with Ukraine President Zelezki and "warned him about Russia's invasion plan".She pointed out that she "helped mobilize the global response to this."

Kamara Harris also promised in his speech that it would ensure that "the United States won the 21st century competition, not China", and said that "we will strengthen our global leadership, not give up."

Israel and Gaza War

Kamara Harris has long advocated the "two countries" and called for the end of the Gaza War.

Kamala Harris said in a speech nominated by the Democratic Presidential Candidate at the National Congress of the Democratic Party that as the president,She will ensure that "Israel is safe, the hostages are released, and the suffering of Gaza is over, and the Palestinian people can realize the right to dignity, safety, freedom, and self -determination."

During the US Vice President, Kamara Harris was more willing to criticize Israel during the Israel-Gasha War.

She was one of the earliest members of Biden who called for "stopping immediately" and expressed concern about the "Humanitarian disaster of the Palestinians". She also accused Israel of conflict.

When the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Neitanahu visited Washington in July, Kamara Harris held a so -called "frank and constructive" talks with him.

Kamara Harris said she told Neitanaho that she felt "seriously concerned" about the casualties of Gaza's personnel and the way Israel self -defense.

She said face -to -face talks with Neitaniah in the White House, "It's time to end the war."

However, she does not support the implementation of weapons for Israel -and this is exactly what some left -wingers in the United States call.

Kamala Harris said at the National Congress of the Democratic Party that she will "always support the right to self -defense of Israel and I will always ensure that Israel is capable of defending self -defense."

Kamara Harris said in an interview with CNN that the way she handles the Israel-Gasha war will not deviate from President Bayeng's policy, and President Bayeng's focus is to ensure a ceasefire agreement.

She said: "This war must end, we must reach an agreement on rescue hostages."


In 2017, during his tenure as a senator, Kamala Harris stated that she supported a number of progressive tax Security.

In 2019, as a candidate for the US presidential election, Kamara Harris supported the corporate tax rate from 21%to 35%.

Kamara Harris's proposal is more aggressive than President Bayeng's proposal, the latter proposed to increase the proportion to 28%.Kamara Harris also supports President Biden's proposal.

A campaign official, Kamara Harris will continue to support President Biden's proposal, that is, not increasing taxes to Americans with less than 400,000 US dollars.

Kamara Harris said at the National Congress of the Democratic Party nominated by the Democratic Party's election that she will "benefit more than 100 million Americans through a middle -class tax reduction plan", but the details of the relevant plan are stillQuite little.

Health care

As the chief prosecutor of California, Camara Harris and her office often use antitrust laws to prevent insurance companies, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies to increase customer costs.

Become a senator of the United States and then became a presidential candidate in 2020, her point is further than Biden -to support the expansion of the US federal medical insurance and public medical care programs.

"Federal Medical Insurance" is a medical care plan funded by the US government, covering the 65 -year -old and older disabled.

Camara Harris has previously supported "Medicare for All", which will allow all Americans to use the system.Before Biden served as the president, this position was welcomed by many progressive Democrats.

During the same period, Kamara Harris also supported the cancellation of private medical insurance, but subsequently recovered the statement.She released a plan during the 2020 presidential campaign that plans that the United States is expected to provide government -funded medical insurance within ten years, but will not completely cancel private insurance companies.

This is not the case now.Her campaign team, as president, will not promote a single payer system in the future.

During Kamara Harris as the US Vice President, the White House reduced the cost of prescription drugs, limited the price of insulin to $ 35, allowed the federal medical insurance planPay.

Camara Harris also stated during the campaign that she hopes to eliminate billions of US dollars in medical debt.And added that if she was elected, she would cooperate with various states on this issue, although the details of the plan were still weak.

Fighting crime

Camara Harris's career began to prosecute to abuse children and sexual trafficking. She was later elected as prosecutors in the San Francisco area, and then elected as the chief prosecutor of California.

Kamara Harris' General Attorney General's Office has increased the conviction rate, especially the conviction rate of violent crimes, but this period of history has attracted criticism from the leftist."Police" label.

At the same time, right -wing people have accused Kamara Harris weak in criminal behavior, although this is conflict with her related records.As a prosecutor, Kamara Harris refused to seek death penalty to the police who killed the police; but as the chief prosecutor of California, she struggled for California to continue to apply for the death penalty.

Kamara Harris also used his experience as a prosecutor to form a sharp contrast with his opponent, and the latter was sentenced to establishing 34 crimes for illegally influenced the "sealing fee" case in 2016.

Kamara Harris mentioned in a speech at the National Congress of the Democratic Party that Trump was convicted: Trump "was" judged by the jury composed of ordinary Americans.Sexual abuse is responsible. "

Climate change

Image source, Anadolu

Camara Harris has long advocated formulating severe laws to protect the environment.

As a prosecutor, Kamara Harris defended California's climatic law and sued the oil company that destroyed the environment.During the presidential campaign in 2020, she called for a climate change policy through the "Green New Deal", and some of these policies have achieved results under the leadership of the current government.

In the presidential television debate hosted by the US CNN in 2019, she said that "there is no doubt that I agree that it is forbidden to fracture and mining."Fracture mining is a technology that minimize natural gas and oil from the shale.But since she participated in the 2024 presidential campaign, her position has changed.

As the first interview with the Democratic presidential candidate, Kamara Harris told CNN that she now does not support the prohibition of fracture and mining.

When explaining her policy transformation, Kamara Harris said that she has learned that "we can grow, and we can increase the prosperity of the clean energy economy when we can't help but break the mining."

As the Vice President of the United States, Kamara Harris has helped pass the inflation reduction bill, which has injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the tax credits and tax refund plans for renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Last year, she said in a speech that it was "the largest climate investment in our country's history" and emphasized that it is necessary to prevent extreme weather.

When being nominated for the Democratic presidential candidate at the National Congress of the Democratic Party, Kamara Harris simply mentioned the climate problem, including "the freedom of breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and the pollution that is far from exacerbating climate".

Firefare Law

Kamara Harris has always supported the gun safety bill during his political career. When the California's gun law faces legal challenges, as the chief prosecutor of California, she successfully defended the law.

As Vice President of the United States, she is responsible for supervising the work of the White House gun violence to prevent the work of the office, and announced earlier this year to support the "Red Flag Law" to support the "Red Flag Law"Implementation of Red-Flag Law.The "Red Flag Law", also known as the extreme risk protection order, aims to prevent those who may hurt themselves and others to buy or have any types of guns.

Kamara Harris also encouraged the state to use the Biden Harris government to provide $ 750 million in federal funds provided by the Bynden Harris government.