The Ministry of Commerce of China said that this year will strengthen dialogue and different controls with the United States, and strive to provide stable expectations for Chinese and American enterprises.

The official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China announced that Wang Wentao, the Minister of Commerce of China on January 18, local time, delivered a video of the US Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 2024 The Lunar New Year Awards Dinner, said that China in 2024 ChinaOn the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation, the Ministry of Commerce will strengthen dialogue and control with the United States, and strive to provide stable expectations for enterprises between the two countries and create good conditions for the economic and trade exchanges and cooperation at all levels.

Wang Wentao also said that China will expand its high levels of openness to the outside world, continuously optimize the business environment, promote the reasonable concern of enterprises, and emphasize that from the perspective of the economic and trade field, as the world's largest developing country and the largest developed developmentThe country, the economy of China and the United States is complementary, the interests are blended, and the essence of Sino -US economic and trade relations is mutually beneficial and win -win.

Sino -US officials have reportedly held a two -day financial work group talks in Beijing from Thursday (January 19).Bloomberg quoted officials of the US Treasury officials who did not want to be named that participants will discuss the topics of financial stability, capital markets, drugs and terrorist financing.

China and the United States announced the establishment of a economic work group in September last year, including the Economic Working Group and the Financial Working Group.The Sino -US Economic and Financial Working Group has held the first meeting in October.