Cui Tiankai, the original ambassador to the United States, believes that if China and the United States conflict confrontation, it must be catastrophic to the world, but this does not meanAvoid this worst situation.If China and the United States lie flat, the most unwavering thing may happen.

According to the Global China Journal, Cui Tiankai said on Sunday (October 29) in the high -end dialogue of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum that if two major countries in China and the United States have conflicts, they must be disaster to China and the United States and the world.Sexuality, "Most people in the two countries realize this rationally, but this does not mean that when we do nothing, we can automatically avoid conflict confrontation.Ping't nothing, the most unwilling thing is likely to happen. "

For the characteristics of the" periodic "of Sino -US relations, when will the United States currently curb when there may be some changes in ChinaCui Tiankai described in response that China and the United States have never been a simple relationship, but multi -faceted; the United States has always been coordinated with China, and it has to curb China's development.EssenceTherefore, there are two forms of expression in Sino -US relations. Sometimes the cooperation and coordination performance is more and sometimes a little more struggle.Under certain conditions, it will become the main aspect.

Cui Tiankai said: "Therefore, it is difficult to define the next cycle.The two countries can be different from each other, and they do not break. "

Cui Tiankai pointed out that the first leader meeting of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization 30 years ago was held in Seattle in the United States.It is said that the communication between the high -level communication between the two countries in the next decades has a good start. "30 years later, the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Leadership Meeting returned to the West Bank of the United States.With the effort, the heads of state of China and the United States may meet. "He believes that once it is realized, the meeting will play a strategic leading role in whether Sino -US relations can be strategic in the future.

No matter how the United States expresses its statement, Cui Tiankai believes that the key to China and the United States is that the United States can respect each other with China, live peacefully, win -win cooperation, and emphasize that the United States needs to respect China and accept China to accept China."First of all, we must respect China's sovereign territorial integrity, the country's unified issues, especially Taiwan issues, and the road and system issues of China. China take its own path, has its own system, its own theoretical culture, and whether Americans can respect whether Americans can respect.? China should implement democracy to promote human rights in a way in line with China's national conditions. Can the United States accept it? In addition, China wants to realize legitimate development and development rights, and China must move towards Chinese -style modernization. Can Americans accept it? "

Cui Tiankai said: "There is a word internationally internationally called the side stations, and many countries do not like this word very much." The United States often requires allies to adopt the same policies from its strategic needs or their cognition of the world.However, the allies also made judgments based on their long -term interests of their own countries and took action. "There may be a small number of countries automatically selected, such as Japan, but most countries are not in favor.All countries should choose one side of the common interests of human beings, and choose the correct side of history. "

Cui Tiankai also believes that the current Sino -US exchanges are gradually recovering, and this exchanges should expand and continue to deepen.Both China and the United States have the responsibility. It should be based on the country's understanding of each other and judgment on the basis of seeking truth from facts. In particular, some politicians in the United States need to know more about real China, understand today, and what Chinese people think. China is thinking. ChinaWhy do we formulate such a policy, why China takes such a path, and why has such a system.