Australian Art Museum returns three cultural relic artworks to China to ChinaThis is the first time that the Australian National Art Museum has returned cultural relics for the first time in the 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and China.

According to the Chinese official media CCTV News, Australia returned three cultural relics to China on Wednesday (October 25) in the morning local time (October 25). The planning consciousness was held in the Chinese Embassy in Australia.Tony Burke signed a transfer document at the scene with Australian Artist Tony Burke.

The three cultural relics returned this time include Qianlong fossils, bronze statues of Guanyin Guanyin and painted pottery characters.After preliminary identification, Qianlong fossil belongs to the dinosaur fossils from late Jurass to the early white world. The history of the bronze statue and riding figurines of Guanyin can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty and even the Northern Dynasties, with precious historical and cultural value.

Australian art museum returned to China to ChinaThe bronze statue of cultural relics can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty and even the Northern Dynasties.(CCTV News)
Australian Art MuseumRide the cultural relics returned to China.(CCTV News)

At the same time, the Australian National Art Museum also donated a beef -shaped liquor ceremony to "sacrifice" to the Chinese government.According to the judgment of the basic information and pictures of the cultural relics, the use of the "sacrifice" of the "sacrifice" is a wine device, which is an antique cultural relic artwork of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Australian National Art Museum to the Chinese governmentThe "Sacrifice" of the beef -shaped liquor ceremony was donated, which is an antique cultural relic artwork of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.(CCTV News)