The Ministry of National Security of China disclosed that the national security organs of Sichuan Province disclosed that the national security organs of Sichuan ProvinceIn 2021, a major spy case of anti -and development of the United States spy intelligence agencies on the United States 'visits to the United States, and digs out the intelligence eyeliner of the United States' key national defense military units in China.

The Ministry of National Security reported on the WeChat public account on Sunday (October 22) that Sichuan Province National Security Organ cracked on July 23, 2021.The major spy cases of anti -and development were implemented, and Hou Moumou, an intelligence eyeliner in the United States' key national defense military units in China, "eliminated major hidden dangers."

The report also pointed out that Hou Moumou has been transferred to the Chengdu Intermediate Court for trial.

Subsequently, the program broadcast by CCTV today was lost abroad and further disclosed the details of the case.

The program said that Hou Moumou was an important secret -related personnel in a national defense military unit in China. In 2013, he was sent to the United States by the unit to visit the United States.According to an American professor, Hou Moumou met with Jacob, who claimed to be a consulting company, and the intelligence worker.

The program pointed out that during the United States, Jacob often asked Houmou to have a party to chat, and to eat high -end western food, watch stripping performances, watch balls, visit the CNN headquarters, etc.Hou Moumou gradually has a close relationship; the topic of chatting between the two has gradually shifted from family and hobbies to scientific research topics, and signed a so -called "business consultation" agreement.In July 2013, Hou Moumou's wife and children went to the United States to visit relatives. Jacob unloaded to disguise Hou Moumou, collect confidential information in the form of Q & A, and paid paid to penetrate Hou Moumou.

The program also said that when Hou Moumou returned to China, he still obsessed with the ability to get rid of the American spy intelligence agency and continued to maintain the connection with Jacob.When you meet with U.S. spy staff, provide information and collect compensation until they are arrested by Chinese national security organs.

China implemented the newly revised anti -spy law in July this year, increased anti -spy efforts, and repeatedly exposed relevant cases.