The former Chinese ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, said that the conflict between China and the United States must be a disaster to the world, but it does not mean that "lying down" can automatically avoid the conflict, and the two sides still need to work together.

The Chinese official media has quoted Cui Tiankai on Sunday (October 29) at the high -end dialogue of the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.Most people in the two countries realize this rationally.

"But this does not mean that when we do nothing, we can automatically avoid conflict confrontation, but also need the joint efforts of both parties. If we are lying flat ', do nothing.It may happen. "

Cui Tiankai said that the United States' policy on China has always been coordinated with China, and also curbing China's development. It is necessary to change the side of China; Sino -US relations sometimes have more coordinated performance, and sometimes they have more struggle performance, butThe two sides always exist at the same time.Therefore, it is difficult to define the next Sino -US relations cycle is cooperation. The key is that the two major powers should find a correct way to get along. "As long as both parties can recognize and accept, China and the United States can be different from different, and they do not break."

He further explained that the key to China and the United States getting along is that whether the United States can respect China on several core issues and accept China's development.This includes respecting China's sovereign territory and unified national issues, especially Taiwan; respecting China's roads and institutional issues; accepting China in a way to meet its own national conditions and implementing democracy to promote human rights; and accepting China's legitimate development rights, going to China to ChinaModernization.

Multiple news shows that both China and the United States are trying to promote the APEC Summit (APEC) Summit .Cui Tiankai pointed out that 30 years ago, the APEC Summit held in Seattle, USA in 30 years to achieve a meeting in the APEC Summit, so that the high -level communication between the two countries in the next decades had a good start.After 30 years, the APEC summit returned to the West Bank of the United States again, and ; Once realized, this meeting is worthy of attention to whether Sino -US relations can have a strategic leading role in the future.

Talking about the "small courtyard high wall" technology blocking strategy adopted by the United States for China, Cui Tiankai said that the United States first wanted to "decapitrate the chain" with China."Small courtyard high walls", but there is no essential difference from the decoustal broken chain."(Small courtyard high wall) This picture reminds me of a Chinese idiom‘ sitting and watching the sky ’, and sits under the bottom of a well and sees it. Is there any benefit?”

According to the China News Agency, Zheng Yongnian, a lecturer at the Chinese University (Shenzhen) President (Shenzhen), who attended the high -end dialogue on the same day, said that the world is currently facing a deep crisis such as poverty, war, climate change, etc.The importance."Great powers need to cooperate. Now that it is not for geopolitics, you should sit down to solve the crisis facing human survival."

Beijing Xiangshan Forum is held offline again after four years.The agenda of the forum shows that Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, will replace Li Shangfu, who has been removed from former Chinese Defense Minister, delivered a speech at the Sunday dinner and delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of Monday (30th).This shows that Zhang Youxia, who had served as Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission before Li Shangfu, has so far not been due to Li Shangfu was dismissed and was led.

Chinese Ministry of National Defense spokesman Wu Qian introduced at a press conference on Thursday (26th) that this year's Xiangshan Forum attracted more than 90 countries, regions and international organizations of Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom to attend, includingMore than 30 representatives of the Minister of Defense and the General Captain of the Army, the number of participants and the number of levels reached a record high.

Calez, senior director of the Chinese Affairs Office of the US Department of Defense, will attend the forum as the head of the US delegation.Wu Qian disclosed that corresponding Chinese officials will communicate with Cleles during the forum.In addition, Shi Chande, former American Assistant Secretary of Defense, who had attended the last Shanxiangshan Forum physical meeting, will also participate in the event as an expert and scholar this year.