Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit the United States for three days on Thursday (October 26). It is the highest level of Chinese officials who visited the United States since the Tension of the American and American in February this year.Meeting the road again in San Francisco.On the occasion of the Harbin conflict for nearly three weeks, Wang Yi will also exchange opinions with high -level US senior management on issues in international regions, and reserve foreshadowing for the two countries to strengthen cooperation and control in the Middle East.

There is no fundamental differences in the conflict of Harbin, China and the United States, and some signs of cooperation have recently appeared.After Egypt President Cecil on October 18, with the US President Biden, he agreed to provide assistance to the Gaza Strip through the Pharaoh port, and the Chinese official met with Egyptian Prime Minister Madebuli in Beijing the next day.The important role is to support Egypt to open up a humanitarian corridor.

Since the outbreak of a new round of conflicts broke out on October 7, although Beijing has a clear basic position, it is hoped that through persuasion and realizing ceasefire to avoid the intensification of humanitarian disasters, the fire spreading areas, and calling for re -acceleration to accelerate againPromote the "two countries' plans" to achieve long -term stability in Pakistan and Israel; but in matters such as Hamas, diplomatic pressure to condemn the accident, and recognize Israel's self -defense rights, etc., it continues to show a certain degree of flexibility and elasticity, creating space for Sino -US cooperation to create spaceEssence

China has not publicly condemned Hamas, but on October 18th, in the October 18th of the United Nations Security Council, in the voting of Brazil's draft and condemned Hamas's Dragons, voted for the Haras Harbin Fire ResolutionRussia's different tuning is actually indirectly condemned the accident by voting.

In an interview with Bloomberg TV on the 19th of the United States Ambassador to China on the 19th, he called on the Chinese government to condemn Hamas, saying that Beijing's position on Hamas was another challenge to the US -China tension, but he also emphasized that China China also emphasized that China was China.The United States also supports the two countries.Bayeng government's important members have not further pressured Beijing to condemn Hamas in the past week, which means that the two countries may have more willingness and kinetic energy in controlling Harbin conflict.

The United States on October 18th, one vote for the draft of the Security Council's resolution, because Israel has the right to self -defense and has not been written in the draft.After that, China not only did not name it to criticize Israel. Wang Yi also took the initiative to call the Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen on Monday (23rd) to condemn all the behaviors of all countries. It also said that there was self -defense of all countries. It was Beijing October 7For the first time since day, he has not named Israel to admit that Israel has the right to self -defense.

More than ten days after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, China -Israeli turned tension.Harpaz, deputy director of the Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, called Zhai Juntong, a special envoy of the Chinese government in the Middle East issue of the Chinese government on October 12, and did not clearly condemn Hamas's "deep disappointment" without clearly.A family member of an Israeli diplomat was stabbed on the streets of Beijing on October 13.


, Wang Yi and the Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun also named Israel, calling for the suspension of collective punishment for the people of the Gaza.

Chinese officials for the first time on October 19 for the first public development of the Harbin conflict, but after the Israeli was not criticized, Wang Yi showed a gentle diplomatic attitude towards the American intimate ally Israel.Create a favorable atmosphere before the trip.

But in order to show diplomatic balance, Wang Yi also took the initiative to call Palestine Foreign Minister Ma Liji on Monday day.condition.

Wang Yi also said that the current people of Gaza do not need war and weapons and ammunition. The Gaza Strip does not require geopolitical counting. It is called to play a constructive role in the large foreign country to promote the cooling down of crisis and clearly shout to the United States.China and the United States and Foreign Minister conducted the first call since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 14. Wang Yi has called on the United States to play a constructive role and promote the problem to return to the track of political solutions as soon as possible.

The United States was absent from the Peace Summit held in Cairo on October 21, weakening the expected results.Wang Yi called on the 23rd to convene a more authoritative, larger, and more effective international conference as soon as possible, and promote the recovery of peace talks as soon as possible

U.S. Secretary of State Brills, on Tuesday (24th), attended the Security Council meeting that he would cooperate with Wang Yi, who visited the United States to prevent the Harbin War from overflowing.Blint also warned Iran and its agents in the region to not open up more fronts.

On October 15th, Wang Yi responded to the Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahyan to call, reminding that the priority was to promote the cooling of the situation and prevent the process of breaking the peace process in the Middle East;Severe crisis.The Biden government has obviously hopes to use Beijing's influence to restrict Iran in the Middle East to ensure that the war will not spread further.

China's official Wednesday (25th) to the United States and China Relations National Committee's annual dinner to congratulate the letter, saying that China is willing to promote mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States, properly control differences, and work together to deal with global challenges.

Unlike the Ukrainian war provoked by the mediation country, China is currently advised to talk about and have more operational space on the issue of Pakistan, and it seems more calm, and it is easier to cooperate with the United States to a certain extent.Sino -US tensions continue to be controlled, and the heads of state of the two countries may be about to meet. I believe that China and the United States will upgrade the management and control of the Harbin conflict as an opportunity to improve bilateral relations and inject more kinetic energy into cooperation between the two parties.