The outside world pays attention to whether the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the US President Biden met in November.Emphasize that the common interests of China and the United States are far more than different.

According to the China News Agency, Xie Feng recently visited the "China -US Friendship House" in Maskatin, Aiwa, USA, and "ChinaThe old friend of the people gathered.

Xie Feng said that there have been a lot of changes in Sino -US relations, and the tough "political correctness" of China has spread and spread in some parts of the United States.However, he believes that the common interests of China and the United States are far greater than the differences. The enthusiasm of the people of the two countries has not changed, and there are many American people who are friendly to China.

Xie Feng said that Xi Jinping cherishes friendship, does not forget his old friends, and personally promotes Sino -US folk exchanges.Since the beginning of this year, Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the "Gulingyuan" China -US Folk Friendship Forum, and has successively reconstructed the "American and Chinese Young Young Student Exchange Association" in Washington, USA, and friendly people from all walks of life.The chairman of the Heritage Foundation and the Flying Tigers veterans pointed out that the hope of Sino -US relations in the people, the foundation in the people, and the future in the youth, conveying the expectations and blessings to hope that the two peoples are friendly.

Xie Feng also mentioned that this year is the 40th anniversary of the province of friendly provinces and prefectures in Hebei Province, China. This time, he entered the hinterland of the United States to inherit Xi Jinping's spirit and further promote China and AioThe exchanges and cooperations of Wazhou, Maskatin City in various fields such as provinces and states, agriculture, culture, education, and other fields.people".