China Permanent Representative of the United Nations Dai Bing on Tuesday (October 10) at the interaction dialogue held by the Senior Commissioner of Human Rights Affairs of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly said that the United States uses human rights to interfere with human rights issues.The country is destined to fail.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Permanent UN website on Wednesday (11th), Dai Bing said that the United States representatives were here to make a lie, attack China maliciously, deliberately provoking confrontation, and China resolutely opposed it.

Dai Bing emphasized that anyone who has been to China and anyone who does not have prejudice know that the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang in China have been in harmony with each other, and the economic and society of Tibet has continued to prosper and United States has disappeared for its increasingly increasingly invading human rights issues such as violence, racial discrimination, border refugees, etc., but has repeatedly used human rights issues to interfere in the curbing developing countries.

Dai Bing said that achieving human rights to enjoy human rights is the common wish of everyone and a common mission.At present, the international security situation is severe, the world economic recovery is difficult, the global development deficits are worsened, and the fate of human future is facing huge risk challenges and uncertainty.We must adhere to true multilateralism, work together to deal with challenges, and promote and protect human rights in unity and cooperation.

Dai Bing said that it is necessary to fully respect the development of human rights development in accordance with the national conditions of various countries, jointly oppose the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues, and engage in double standards.Blinds to curb the development of other countries.It is necessary to fully understand the unilateral compulsory measures to cause serious harm to the human rights of the developing countries, and to take action to solve it.

Dai Bing also said that the UN human rights agencies such as Human Rights Specialty should abide by the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter, respect the sovereignty of various countries, adhere to the principles of justice, objective, non -selective, non -political principles, and carry out with member states to carry out with member statesConstructive dialogue and cooperation, objectively and fair performance within the scope of authorization.The Third Committee of the United University is a platform for the constructive dialogue on human rights issues on human rights issues. It is not a place to fight against pressure; it is a mechanism for all parties to promote the development of human rights through friendly cooperation.The lecture.

The conference also announced that China ’s re -election of human rights council members, from 2024 to 2026.The Human Rights Council was established in 2006. It is an institution that the United Nations is responsible for promoting and protecting human rights. It consists of 47 member states.China was elected as members of the Human Rights Council six times in 2006, 2009, 2013, 2016, 2020, and 2023.