Most party leaders of the US Senate visited by Chinese officials, Shu Mo released the goodwill, emphasizing that the common interests of China and the United States are far more than the differences. The success is not necessarily necessary for each other.

Scholars believe that China receives Shu Mo and his party with higher specifications, showing that Beijing tries to seek breakthroughs in the U.S. administrative system outside the US administrative system, which helps create a positive atmosphere for the Summit of the Sino -US dollar.

Schu Mo led the United States Senate's two -party delegation to visit China on Saturday (October 7). This is the first time since 2019, a member of the United States Congress visited China.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese official Monday (October 9) pointed out in the Great Hall of the People that Sino -US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world. How can China and the United States get along?The future and fate.

The outside world is concerned that China challenges the United States as a big country as a major country.In this regard, Chinese officials said that the "Xiu Xidde trap" is not inevitable. The broad earth can fully accommodate the development and common prosperity of China and the United States.

He also said that after the global epidemic recovery, responding to climate change, and solving international and regional hotspot issues, all need to coordinate and cooperate between China and the United States.Chinese officials also said that more members of the United States Congress are welcome to visit China.

According to Reuters, Bloomberg, etc., Shu Mo told the media after the meeting that the delegation showed to Chinese leaders that "the United States wants to be fair and stable" and emphasizes the need to cancel restrictions and open the Chinese market.He said: "We stated to President Xi that we do not think that (reciProcity)."

Schu Mo met with Chen Jining, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Saturday, also mentioned that I hope that American companies can get Fair Beauty .

Wang Yong, a professor at the School of International Relations and Director of the American Research Center of Peking University, interpreted in an interview with the United Morning Post. Shu Mo's visit to China "a very important driving force comes from the American industrial and commercial community."Ask."

Wu Xinbo, Dean of the International Institute of International Issues of Fudan University, also pointed out in an interview that Shu Mo's visit to China shows that the US Congress hopes to restart exchanges against China and communicate and lobby for the interests of the interest groups in the constituency.

China and the United States restarted high -level exchanges in June, and many senior US officials visited China successively. However, Chinese officials only met with US Secretary of State Brills.Meet.

Regarding China ’s high specifications to receive Shu Mo's party this time, Wu Xinbo interpreted that Beijing hopes to strengthen communication with US Congress and reduce their negative impact on China."This is also to improve the political atmosphere of Sino -US relations, especially for the following possible Sino -US dollar meeting to create a better atmosphere and conditions."

It is generally expected that will be the next one.Yueyue met with the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit in San Francisco.

Shu Mo criticized Beijing without sympathy or support Israel

Shu Mo's visit to China UpgradeAfter Hamas launched an attack on Israel, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Sunday (October 8) called on all parties to maintain calm restraint to prevent the situation from further deteriorating.

When Schumer met with a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, he failed to show that the Chinese Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs was "very disappointed" in sympathy or support for Israel.When Shu Mo met with Chinese officials, he also urged Chinese leaders and the Chinese people to stand with the people of Israel to condemn Hamas's "cowardly and vicious attacks" on Israel.

However, the news released by Chinese official media did not mention China's official talk about the situation in the Middle East.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning responded to Scho Mo's criticism at a regular press conference on Monday that China was distressed about civilian casualties caused by the conflict and "opposed and condemned the violence and attacks against civilians."