The United States allows South Korea to import US semiconductor equipment in factories in China in Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix.These Korean chip manufacturers do not need to go through separate approval procedures during the import process.

According to the Yonhap, Cui Xiangmu, the chief secretary of the South Korean President's Office, announced the above news at a press conference on Monday (October 9).

It is reported that the US government recently notified the Korean side through the export control department and the National Security Council (NSC) economic security dialogue channel, and decided to specify Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix in China as "verification verificationEnd user "(veu).If it is included in the list, there is no need to obtain an additional permission, which is equivalent to the US export control unlimited timely.

Cui Xiangmu also mentioned that, as far as he knows, the US government has reported to Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix to report the above decisions, and it takes effect once the decision is notified.

He said: "The decision of the US government means that the most important trade issues of our semiconductor company have been solved."

Measures to limit China to acquire or produce high -end chips.Samsung and SK Hynix obtained a one -year width time at that time, and could continue to provide American chip equipment for their Chinese factories without applying for additional permission.

The trade and science and technology disputes between China and the United States have aroused concerns about the long -term American allies in South Korea.South Korea's economy is highly dependent on the semiconductor field. Samsung and SK Hynix have invested heavily in China. China is also a big customer of Korean chips.After the US implementation of chip export restrictions on China, Seoul has been trying to reduce the impact of the Korean semiconductor industry.