Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet in Beijing on Monday (October 9) in Beijing to meet with the major party leader of the US Congress Senate.

According to China CCTV News, Xi Jinping will meet Shu Mo in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of October 9.

The delegation arrived in Shanghai, China on Saturday (7), and began to visit China.The members of the delegation said before visiting China that they hope to meet with Xi Jinping.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that Schummer also held talks with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on Monday.In the talks, Shu Mo said that China did not express sympathy with Israel in the latest Israel clashed. He was disappointed and called on China to support Israel.

When meeting with Shu Mo, Wang Yi said that he hoped that the delegation would help China and the United States to handle existing differences rationally and help the relationship between the two countries return to the track of healthy development.It is expected that the delegation will have a more accurate understanding of China after the end of the visit to China.

Shu Mo also met with Chen Jining, the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and said that the United States did not intend to decompose with China, but hoped that American companies in China would be treated with mutual benefit and fair treatment.Chen Jining emphasized that Sino -US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world today. Healthy and stable Sino -US relations are both conducive to the two countries and the world.