A senior official of Haras, a Haras Audit Organization, said that Hamas "has achieved goals" and is willing to discuss with the possibility of Israel's suspension.But another spokesman for Hamas said Hamas would not release Israeli captives to negotiate in the case of "bombing".

Reuters reported that in an interview with Peninsula television telephone, Hamas senior official Mossa Abu Marzouk was asked if he was willing to discuss the possibility of stopping fire.He said Hamas was open to "such things" and "all political dialogue".

According to Bloomberg, Israel Monday (October 7) announced After the blockade of "Gaza , Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida told the Peninsula TV that if Israel attacked the Gaza Strip's house without warning, Hamas would execute a hostage every hour.

In addition, U Bida emphasized in the video played by Hamas's official channel that Hamas would not negotiate the Israeli captive issue under the circumstances of "bombing".He also said that Israel should prepare to "pay the price" in exchange for the freedom of captives.

Hamas captured about 150 hostages, including at least ten or twenty foreigners on October 7, which raided southern Israel.

According to the statistics of the Israeli TV channel, the To 900 people , most of the victims were Israel.The Gaza Ministry of Health said that Israeli air strikes killed at least 687 Palestinians.

The White House refers to Iran ’s conspiracy for Hamas's attack

The United States calls Iran the same as the Palestinian radical Hamas raid in Israel, but did not have relevant information or direct evidence.

Reuters reported that the White House National Security Council spokesman K. Monday (October 9) accepted the Microsoft Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC) interview: "Iran has long been trained through resource capabilities to support Hamas and the Middle EastOther horror networks in the region. "

"Therefore, Iran is obviously (obviously (Hamas's), but we have no specific evidence about such attacks."

U.S. President Biden said the attack launched by Hamas, a Palestinian radical organization in Israel, killed at least 11 famous American citizens.

Bynden issued a statement on Monday that Washington believes that there may also be Americans in the hostages detained by Hamas.U.S. officials are working with Israeli officials to try to obtain more information about the whereabouts of the United States.

According to Bloomberg, after Israel announced on Monday that "full blockade" Gasha, Hamas spokesman Abu Obaida told the Peninsula TV station that if Israel attacked the Gaza Strip ’s house, Hamas will every time Hamas will everyHours of hostage execute a hostage.

Hamas captured about 150 hostages, including at least ten or twenty foreigners on October 7, which raided southern Israel.