The "Ford" aircraft carrier uses a large number of new technologies and new equipment.

The Lebanon True Party fired rockets to Israel, and the latest US nuclear -powered aircraft carrier "Ford" was approaching the waters near Israel. Whether the Allah and the United States ended the war and attracted attention.

According to the news quoted Reuters, a senior official of the Lebanon Allah said on October 8 that the "guns and rockets" of the Allah are with the Palestinian armed personnel who launched an attack on Israel.

True Party supports Hamas

With Hamas announced on the 7th that Israeli launched military operations on the 7th, the attitude and movement of the Lebanon Albon armed forces with Israel has attracted much attention.

It is reported that Hasham Siffin, a senior official of the Lebanon Albon, attended a event to support Palestinian militians in the suburbs of Berutet, the capital of Lebanon,: "Our history, our guns and rockets are with you.. Everything we have with you. "According to reports, the Lebanon Albon launched dozens of rockets and shells to the three military positions of Sabaa Farm on the 8th.

The Allah said in a statement that the attack using "a large number of rockets and artillery shells" was to support "Palestine's resistance forces".The statement said that Israel's position was directly hit.The Israeli military subsequently returned.

Sabaa Farm is located in the mountains of Lebanese, Israel, and Syria.During the Middle East War in 1967, Israel seized the Sabaa Farm and the Gelan Highlands from Syria, but Lebanon believed that it and the nearby Shuba Village were Lebanon's territory.The Gelan Highland was annexed by Israel in 1981.The Israeli army did not withdraw from the region when the Israeli army was withdrawn from the southern part of Li.

Some analysts believe that after Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, the Jorde of the Lebanon Trust Party may expand the conflict, and in terms of military strength, the Allah is more powerful than Hamas.

According to the relevant information, with the support of Iran, the power of the Allah has continued to grow.The media believes that from 2006 to 2016, the Armed Forces of the Allah increased from approximately 20,000 to 45,000 (about half of the soldiers were active duty and half were reserve).By 2010, the Allah had at least 40,000 missiles and rockets, an increase of 166%over the 2006 war.After the civil war broke out in Syria, the Allah's armed forces obtained more advanced weapons, including drones, anti -ship missiles, cruise missiles and precise guidance remote rockets.Essence

Wang Jin, an associate professor of the Middle East Research Institute of Northwest University, believes that the shelling behavior of the Allah is symbolic, and it is more a kind of support.Once the Allah's armed forces attack, the relationship between Iran and Israel may fall into a new risk. It may not help the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia.The attack depends on the attitude of Iran.

Iran's Permanent Mission in the United Nations on the 8th denied that Iran and Palestinian Islamic resistance campaign (Hamas) was associated with large -scale sneak attacks on Israel on the 7th.View.U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Brinkeaka said earlier that there was no evidence that Iranian conducting or planning this attack behind the scenes. Iran has not received a $ 6 billion funds that previously thawed by the United States.

U.S. Terminal dispatch will support Israel

After the outbreak of Pakistano's new round of military conflicts, the United States dispatched troops to show support for Israel.

U.S. President Biden talked with Israel's Prime Minister Neitaniah on the 7th to reiterate the US support for Israel, and said that "the government's support for Israel's security is as strong as a rock and unwavering."In the call on the 8th, Biden also said that the additional assistance provided by the United States to the Israeli National Defense Force has been on the road, and a new batch of supplies will be transported recently.

It is said that the United States will provide Israel with precise guidance bombs, missiles and 155mm artillery shells and other weapons and ammunition.

In addition to weapons assistance, the US military has also adjusted its military deployment in the Middle East.US Secretary of Defense Laud Austen said the United States will send multiple warships and aircraft to regions closer to Israel to show support for Israel.Washington believes that Hamas's fatal attack may be to destroy the possibility of normalization of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Austin said in a statement that he ordered the aircraft carrier battle group "Jerald R. Ford" to transfer to the East Central Sea closer to Israel.This power includes the "Jerald R. Ford" aircraft carrier, a missile cruiser and four missile destroyers.Austin said that the United States also took measures to expand the US Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16 and A-10 fighter squadron in the region.

It is reported that the United States will send 20-25 fighters to the Middle East, including the F-35 stealth fighter and the F-15 heavy fighter.

"Jerald R. Ford" is the first ship of the new generation of American carrier "Ford".As a new generation of aircraft carriers, the "Ford" class uses a large number of new technologies and new equipment, including electromagnetic projectiles, electromagnetic blockers, dual-band radars, etc., which can be equipped with 70 to 80 aircraft, including the latest F-35C stealth fighter andUnmanned tanker, the overall combat performance is further improved compared to the "Nimitz" level.The "Ford" was built in 2005 and has been in service in July 2017. Due to technical reasons, the "Ford" will not be deployed for the first time in May this year. If it participates in the war, it will be the first actual combat of the ship.

Military expert Han Dong analyzed that a series of military actions, including the adjustment of the Ford's aircraft carrier deployment, are to strengthen the deterrence of the US military in the Middle East. The possibilityMilitary strength is far more than Hamas. On the other hand, military assistance can intervene in intervention. The United States directly end in the war that does not meet the strategic interests of the United States. The focus of strategic attention in the United States is still the Russian -Ukraine conflict and the situation in West Pacific.

"In addition to assisting Israeli aid weapons, the United States may also support Israel in intelligence, and carrier -based aircraft on the aircraft carrier may be dispatched to collect information." Han Dong added.