(Beijing/Seoul Comprehensive News) During Shu Mo, the major party leader of the US Senate visited China, Sino -US officials negotiated Sino -US economic and trade relations and climate issues.On the same day, the United States relaxed the restrictions on imported US semiconductor equipment in South Korea's factories in China.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao met with the two parties of the United States Congress led by Schu Mo in Beijing on Monday (October 9).The problem was rational and pragmatic discussion.

Wang Wentao said that the essence of Sino -US economic and trade relations is mutually beneficial and win -win, and the development and progress of both parties can become an opportunity for each other than a challenge.

But Wang Wentao also emphasized that China does not avoid competition, but competition should be based on international economic and trade rules and should be fair and benign competition; and propose to precisely define the security boundaries in the United States to avoid generalization, politicalization, and instrumentalization.

According to Bloomberg, Shu Mo said with Wang Wentao that the United States did not want to decompose with China, nor did it want to conflict with China, and wanted to deal with the relationship between the two countries responsibly.

China Climate Change Affairs Special Envoy Xie Zhenhua Monday (9th) also held a video talks with the special envoy of the US Presidential Climate.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on the official website, the two parties exchange opinions around the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention, and agreed to organize relevant departments, enterprises, and experts to conduct further exchanges and cooperation to meet the challenges of climate change.

On the same day of many Sino -US official talks, the United States agreed to relax the restrictions on imported US semiconductor equipment in South Korea's factories in China.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Cui Xiangmu, the chief secretary of the South Korean President's Office on Monday, said that the US government had notified South Korea and decided to specify Samsung Electronics and SK Hemori in China as "verification end users".

This means that Samsung and Hynix do not need to be approved separately, and they can be freely imported by advanced American equipment that will be banned from entering China.

Cui Xiangmu said that the decision of the United States means that the largest economic and trade issues facing Korean semiconductor companies come to an end, and the risks facing investment in China are greatly reduced.

The delegation led by Shumo originally planned to visit Japan and South Korea after the visit of China.However, according to the US Embassy in Tokyo on Tuesday (10th), Shu Mo canceled his visit to Japan.

According to Reuters, Shu Mo said in Beijing on Tuesday that the delegation said with "serious contact" with Chinese officials such as Chinese officials.

Shu Mo also said that China's current contact with US officials is different from "seemingly different."