(Beijing Comprehensive News) Most leaders and Democrats of the United States Senate will led cross -party members to visit China in this month. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes it and emphasizes the hope of promoting the objective understanding of the United States Congress through this visit.

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a post on Wednesday (October 4) to respond to the question of reporters in response to the question of reporters, in response to Schu Mo announced the question of leading the two -party senator delegation to visit China.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that China welcomes Shu Mo to led a two -party senator delegation to visit China, hoping to promote the objective understanding of the United States Congress on China through this visit, promote the conversation and exchanges between the legislative agencies of the two countries, and serve the development of Sino -US relations.Inject positive factor.

According to Reuters, Shumo's office confirmed on Tuesday (October 3) that he will lead the two -party senator delegation to visit China, Japan and South Korea.

Republican Senator Clarbo will lead the delegation consisting of six senators.Clarbo's office revealed earlier that the visit was planned next week and said that senators wanted to meet with Chinese officials.

Bloomberg quoted sources as saying that when the senators visited Beijing, they would propose to the Chinese storage chip manufacturer Micron Technology to carry out business in China.Micron Technology is facing China's network security censorship.

In the past few months, the U.S. government has sent senior officials such as Secretary of State Brillin, Minister of Finance Yellen, and Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro to visit China.