The National Zoo, USD is three three three three to China to return to China to return to China to return to China.The giant panda held a farewell activity.

According to the China News Agency, the "Farewell Party" Panda theme event of the Washington National Zoo began on September 23 and continued until October 1.

According to the Washington Zoo, the three brigades "Tianda" and "Meixiang" and their cubs "Little Miracle" will return to China at the end of this year.

"Meixiang" and "Tian Tian" came to Washington Zoo from China in December 2000. "Little Miracle" was born in Washington Zoo in August 2020.

According to Bloomberg, Chinese giant pandas living in the United States may have to return to China before the end of next year, which means that "panda diplomacy" for more than 50 years between China and the United States may end.

In addition to the Washington National Zoo, the other three American zoo with Chinese panda, namely Atlanta, San Diego, and Memphis, either they have been handed over to the giant pandas, or they will let them return to China before the end of next year.

Bloomberg reported that although the giant pandas returned to China have reached the age of returning to China, both China and the United States have also denied that political factors play a role in it.Panda may depend on whether Sino -US relations have been improved.