(New York Comprehensive News) After a senior executive of Nono Murakami was banned from leaving China last week, the US media quoted reports that an executive of American risk consulting company Kroll was also banned from exiting China by China.

Wall Street Journal on Friday (September 29) quoted people familiar with the matter report that Michael Chan, managing director of Deanhua, who specializes in corporate reorganization, went to China in July this year, and then informed the employer that he could not leave China.Essence

The person familiar with the matter said that Chen was assisting the investigation of a case a few years ago. He held a Hong Kong passport and worked freely in mainland China.People familiar with the matter also said that Chen and Deanhua were not the investigation goals.

It is reported that China's restrictions on the exit of foreign enterprises 'exit of executives have exacerbated people's concerns about foreign companies' risks facing risks in China in China.The Chinese police raided US companies, asked employees of American companies, and strengthened data supervision, and also reduced American companies' confidence in China to the lowest level in decades.

The Chinese police conducted a raid search on Mintz Group Beijing Office in March this year.According to Reuters in May, Mei Smart Group has moved away from the company's office in Hong Kong.

One month later, the Chinese police raided the office of Bain Company, a well -known American consultant company in Shanghai, and questioned employees.

According to the British Financial Times report, Wang Zhonghe, chairman of China Investment Banking, Chairman of the Hong Kong Branch of Japan's largest securities firm, also reported that it was banned from exit by the Chinese government on Monday (September 25).

The Wall Street Journal pointed out that Chinese officials often perform export ban on people who have been investigated or assisted in the investigation, including both foreigners and Chinese.Before trying to leave mainland China, these people usually do not know that they have been restricted to exit.