(Beijing News) In response to the US State Department's report that China ’s huge sums of money for overseas information manipulation, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the report ignored the facts and reversed black and white.The first.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the U.S. State Council's global contact center report on Saturday (September 30) that the relevant agencies of the reporting report were named "global contact" and performed "publicity and penetration".In fact, "the source of false information and the" cognitive combat "command post".

A spokesman also said that the United States is a veritable "lie empire", and more people are knowing the ugly behavior of the United States to rely on lies to weave "Emperor's New Clothing" and to discredit others to maintain hegemony.

The US State Department issued a report on Thursday (28th), saying that China spends billions of dollars each year to manipulate global information and promote "digital authoritarianism", which is not only a public diplomatic issue, but also a complete challenge to the global information space.Essence