(Washington / Beijing Comprehensive News) U.S. Ford Motor announced that under the pressure of strikes and US politicians investigations, it announced the suspension of cooperation with Chinese battery manufacturer Ningde Times in the United States.The American car giant said they need to ensure that they have enough competitive factories.

Comprehensive Reuters, Bloomberg and Agence France -Presse reported that Ford Motor spokesman Ride on Monday (September 25) announced the decision that it was "confident that it is capable of being able to operate in a competitive way" in FordBefore the battery manufacturing plant, the company will suspend the construction of the plant and restrict project expenditure.

But according to the China Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, the staff of the Securities Department of Ningde Times said that the above rumors were "false news" and described the planning of factories to promote smoothly.

Ford Motors announced in February this year that it spent 3.5 billion US dollars (about S $ 4.785 billion). It cooperated with Ningde Times to set up a lithium iron phosphate battery plant in Marshall, Marshall, Marsham, Marsham.Supply battery.

Ford Motor will owns and operate this factory, and the Ningde era authorizes battery patent technology to provide preparation and operation services.Reuters said Ford hopes that this plan will help American customers accept low -cost technologies in China.

However, the US House Council, which opposes this cooperation plan, investigated the plan of the plan after the news was announced.They are worried that the plan will lead to the flow of electric vehicle tax subsidies in the United States to China, causing China to lead the US automotive industry.

The Chairman of the China Issues Special Committee of the Republican House of Representatives House of Representatives, Gragell, said on Monday that members of the members were "encouraged to see the key first steps to see Ford's first step and re -evaluate the transactions with the Ningde Times."Cancel this transaction. "

On the other hand, the State Federation of the National Automobile Workers (UAW) on September 15th's strike on the "Detroit Three Giants" also affected Ford, General Motors and Stellandis's factories and components supply systems.

UAW hopes that battery workers can have more than 40%of the salary increase and more benefits, but the workers have not yet reached a consensus on the offer.The Wall Street Journal quoted analysts that the strike may lead to rising labor costs of Ford in the United States.

UAW Chairman Shawn Fain described that Ford's decision to terminate the cooperation project is "shameful and unscrupulous layoff threat."However, the Ford spokesman insisted that "there are many considerations" and have nothing to do with the ongoing strike, and the company has not yet made any final decision on the investment plan.