According to the New York Times website reported on September 22, the US Biden Government released the final rule on the 22nd, which will prohibit the application of chip companies supporting US federal funds to increase production and conduct scientific research cooperation in China in China, saying that this is to protect the so -called so -called"National Security" in the United States. It is reported that the introduction of this regulation is just as the Bayeng government is preparing to issue more than $ 52 billion federal funding and tens of billions of dollars in tax credit to develop the American chip industry. It is reported that the final restrictions will prohibit companies that obtain Federal Federal funds to build chip factories outside the United States.The Biden government said that after obtaining the funds, enterprises shall not be defined in China, Iran, Russia and North Korea after 10 years of funds. This provision also limits companies that have obtained funds to carry out certain joint research projects in the above countries, or provide the above -mentioned countries with technical permits that may cause so -called "national security" concerns. According to reports, the U.S. Department of Commerce said that if funds accept the restrictions, the US Department of Commerce can recover federal funding. US Minister of Commerce Gina Raymond said in a statement: "These guardrails will protect our national security and help the United States maintain a lead in the next decades." It is reported that the chip industry has been lobbying vigorously to oppose these restrictions on the United States.Chip manufacturers expressed their concerns in the opinions submitted by this year, saying that excessive restriction measures may disrupt the supply chain and damage their global competitiveness.