Kim Jong -un left the third party of the third party in the third party of the Korean leader Kim Jong -un returning to China on Monday, which is likely to bring gifts presented by Russia, including a rifle, a astronaut glove and a military drone.EssenceThese gifts themselves violate the UN sanctions.Here are some items he will bring back to the International Friendship Exhibition Hall, which preserves the gift received by the three generations of North Korean leaders.

** gift from Russia **

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that Kim Jong -un received a "highest quality" Russian rifle after holding a summit with Putin.Kim Jong -un also returned to a rifle made by Putin's "North Korean craftsmanship".The Russian Tas said that Putin also gave Kim Jong -un a glove on a space suit.

Russian media said that Oleg Kozhemyako, the governor of the coastal Border Section, gave Kim Jong -un a set of modern light bulletproof coats designed for assault operations to protect the chest, shoulders, throats and groin.The Tas Society said that Kim Jong-un also received five unidirectional attack drones and a "Granium-25" reconnaissance drone, which was widely used in the Ukrainian war.

This at least violates the two resolutions of the United Nations Security Council for North Korea. Russia voted these two resolutions. These resolutions were implemented for North Korea's prohibited missiles and nuclear activities.Kim Jong -un accepted a fur hat from the Minister of Defense Shogu in the Foradwostok, and inspected Russia's nuclear bombers, fighters equipped with hypersonic missiles and a warship.

According to the Russian News Agency, it costs a lot on determining the appropriate size of this hat.Alexander Matsegora, the Russian Ambassador to Pyongyang, recommends using a slightly smaller size than his own "big head", which proves that this size is just right."The same important is that this is a gift from the heart. Comrade Kim Jong -un also likes it," Matsegora said.

Kim Jong-un's interview began in the Russian border city Hasan, where he received a photo of the first astronauts flying around the earth, Yuri Gagarin. ** The museum of North Korea's display gift is comparable to the Louvre ** North Korea has spent a lot of energy to show Kim Jong -un, his father Kim Jong Il, grandfather and founder of the country Kim Il Sung from foreign politiciansThe gifts received there and specially built a museum for these gifts: International Friendship Exhibition Hall.The International Friendship Exhibition Hall is located on the Miaoxiang Mountains 160 kilometers (99 miles) from Pyongyang. It consists of two magnificent concrete buildings. It uses traditional architectural style and the roof is blue tiles.

According to the Korean national media reports, the museum opened in 1978 and consisting of more than 100 exhibition halls, collecting more than 115,000 collections from more than 200 countries.North Korea ’s national media said that the scale and importance of the collections of the museum are comparable to that of the Lumin Palace in Paris.