Figure Sputnik/Vladimir Smirnov published a rare summit on Wednesday through Reuters's release of North Korean leader Kim Jong -un and Russian President Putin on Wednesday to discuss military issues, the Ukrainian war, and Russia to help the North Korean satellite plan.Putin took Kim Jong -un to visit the most advanced Oriental Aerospace launcher in the Far East of Russia and discussed the possibility of sending Korean astronauts into space.Kim Jong -un asked detailed questions about the Rockets.After the visit, 70 -year -old Putin and 39 -year -old Kim Jong -un led the minister of both parties to hold a few hours of talks, and then discussed the field of cooperation between world affairs and possible cooperation, and then enjoyed a rich lunch, including survey and crab crabs.Dumplings, and catfish with mushroom potatoes.Kim Jong -un raised his toasts, proposed that Putin's health, the victory of "Great Russia", toasting the friendship between North Korea and Russia, and predicting that Russia would win the Western "sacred battle" with the West during the Ukrainian war.Kim Jong -un raised his glass and said, "The Russian army and the people will definitely win a great victory in the sacred struggle of punishing the hegemony and promoting the fantasy of expansionism."

US and South Korean officials expressed their weapons and ammunition to Russia to provide weapons ammunition.Worried, and Moscow and Pyongyang denied this intention.

Putin has repeatedly hinted that the two sides have discussed military cooperation, but the details revealed are very small.Russian Defense Minister Shaygou attended the talks.The Kremlin said that the sensitive discussion between neighboring countries belongs to private affairs.

When asked by Russian media whether Moscow would help Kim Jong -un built a satellite, Putin said: "This is why we came here."

Washington warned that further sanctions would be imposed on the transfer of weapons in any direction, and stated that Putin was "begging" Kim Jong -un's help after losing tens of thousands of soldiers in Ukraine.

U.S. State Council spokesman Matthew Miller said at a press conference: "We have adopted a series of actions to promote the entity between North Korea and Russia.Sanctions. "

He said that Russia will discuss with North Korea to cooperate in projects that may violate the resolutions of the UN Security Council, which is "disturbing".

UN Secretary -General Gutres said Moscow must act with caution.

Gutres said to reporters: "Any form of cooperation between any country and North Korea must respect the sanctions system implemented by the Security Council." He added that this was "extremely fit" in Russia and North Korea.

For Russia, this summit is an opportunity to stimulate Ukraine's supporters in the United States, although it is unclear to how much Putin prepares to meet North Korea's desire for technology.

Putin said that Kim Jong -un is now planning to visit the military and civil aviation factories on the Communist Youth City on the Russian Amur River, and inspects the Russian Pacific Fleet located in Vladivostok.

The Kremlin said that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov will visit Pyongyang next month for more talks.