Tomb Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

As the government may closer the door closer, US President Biden warned on Thursday that the Republican -supported cutting measures will cause losses to the US economy and voters.

Unless the Republican House and Democratic Senate -controlled Senate can pass a long or short -term funding bill and signed as a law by worship, otherwise the federal government will enter the fourth time in 10 years next month.

Before the US government appropriation expires on September 30, the two courts of the Republic of China will hold about 12 days.

Some Republicans of the House of Representatives demanded that the expenditure of fiscal 2024 was reduced to 1.47 trillion US dollars, which was less than 120 billion US dollars in the debt limit agreement than Bayeng and the Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives McCarthy in May.The White House and Senate leaders (including the Senate Republican leader McConal) rejected the request of the Republicans of the House of Representatives.

Biden said in a speech at the Prince of George, Maryland: They came again, violated their commitments, threatened to further reduce expenses, and threatened to close the government again.He listed the impact of expenditure reduction estimates on education plans and security plans.

They spent so much time to attack me and my plan ... but never said what they wanted to do, Biden said.Their plans-Maga Economics-is extremely extreme than any plan that Americans have seen before.

The White House will criticize the Republican Party's fiscal plan for most of this fall (White House calls it Maga economics).Former President Trump's budget director Mick Mulvaney used this word to describe Trump's strategy of Make American again, that is, cut corporate tax and substantial relaxation supervision.

Democratic Biden is striving for re -election in 2024, and Trump is the leader of the Republican nominee competition.The government's long -term stop or significant reduction of expenses may slow down the US economic growth before the campaign season comes.

Biden proposed the Biden Economics Plan to reshape the US economy through investment infrastructure, green energy and manufacturing, and at the same time promote enterprises and workers, consumers and the government to share more profits.

The annual annual rate of the second quarter of the United States increased by 2.1%, while the unemployment rate of 3.8%was slightly higher than the lowest level in decades.

However, this performance did not resonate with the American people, and they were dissatisfied with rising interest rates and rising daily necessities and gasoline prices.Although the inflation rate has slowed down in recent months, the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) in August still increased by 3.7%year -on -year.

Biden's public support rate is 42%, and voters believe that the economy is still the most important issue.