(Beijing/Washington Comprehensive News) Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Office, held several rounds with the US President's National Security Assistant Sarawon in the past.Possibilities; both sides described the meeting "frank, substantial, constructive".

Wang Yi is also a Chinese foreign minister.This is a meeting again after Wang Yi and Shalvin after the May -Vienna talks.The analysis believes that the meeting was paved by the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit held in San Francisco in November this year.

The first meeting of China and the United States for the first time was during the Twenty Group (G20) summit held in Bali, Indonesia last November last November.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (September 17) in the evening, Wang Yi and Shalvin held multiple rounds of meetings in Malta from September 16th to 17th.

Wang Yi emphasized in the meeting that the Taiwan issue is the first out of the red line of Sino -US relations. The United States must adhere to the three joint communiqués of China and the United States and implement the commitment to "Taiwan independence".

He also said that China's development has a strong internal motivation. It is impossible to follow the inevitable historical logic.

The statement also said that the two sides agreed to continue to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, to maintain high -level exchanges between the two sides, and hold the negotiations between the Chinese and Asia -Pacific affairs, marine affairs consultations, and foreign policy consultations.The two sides discussed the measures to further support and facilitate the exchanges between the two countries, and also discussed the international and regional issues such as the situation in the Asia -Pacific region, the Ukraine, and the Korean Peninsula.

Bloomberg quoted U.S. officials that the two sides discussed the possibility of meeting the heads of state between the two countries and other issues of Sino -US relations.

The White House issued a statement on Sunday that the meeting was one of the continuous efforts made by maintaining open communication channels and responsible management of bilateral relations.The two sides discussed the key issues in Sino -US relations, global and regional security issues, the Russian and Ukraine War, and cross -strait issues.

On the issue of Taiwan, the White House statement emphasized that the United States mentioned the importance of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Since June this year, many high -level American senior management have visited China one after another, including Secretary of State Brills, Treasury Secretary Yellen, Climate Special Envoy Cry, and Commercial Minister Raymond, etc., raising the expectations of the first meeting of the China -US dollar.

However, Chinese officials did not attend the G20 summit held in New Delhi, India this month.The US President Biden expressed disappointment at the time, and also showed that he would still see Chinese officials.

Wang Yi will visit Russia on Monday (September 18) and will not attend the 78th UN General Assembly in New York.The Wall Street Journal recently analyzed in the report that Wang Yi did not attend the United Nations University, adding variables to the official Chinese officials at the end of the year.