(Ohio Comprehensive News) Jack Dongarra, a professor at the University of Tennessee and the winner of the Turing Award, said that the number of supercomputers in China may be more than any other country, but due to the US sanctions, the outside world is right.I know very little.

Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on September 14 that Tang Gara said in an exclusive interview with the newspaper in the United States that there may be three E -Class (10 billion -dollar operations per second).Performance is equivalent to the super computer FRONTIER in the National Laboratory of Oak Ling and may have higher peak performance.

According to the list of international supercomputers "TOP500", the list released in June this year, the US super computer Frontier continued to occupy the top of the list. China's "Shenwei Taihu Light" and "Tianhe No. 2" were ranked among seventh and seventh and No. 1 respectively.Ten positions.

Tang Galla believes that China's supercomputers are behind the list, which may be the result of the tight geopolitical situation in recent years.Having the world's first supercomputer may allow the United States to take action and further restrict technology flow into China.

The "Tianhe No. 2" developed by China University of Defense Science and Technology has surpassed the "Titan" that surpassed the Oaksling Lab in 2013 and became the most powerful super computer.Two years later, the U.S. government banned Intel from selling chips to upgrade the "Tianhe No. 2".In 2021, seven supercomputing centers participating in the development of China's next -generation supercomputers were also blacklisted by the United States.

Tang Gara pointed out that although the number of Chinese supercomputers on the list is decreased, China is still the country with the most supercomputers.

Xinhua News Agency reported in 2018 that Shenwei E -Class prototype, "Tianhe No. 3" E -Class prototype and Shuguang E -Class prototype, all the E -class prototype systems of these three different technical routes were delivered.