US Secretary of State BroskyHan Zheng, vice chairman of China, met, and the two sides called on the United States and China to ensure that bilateral relations were stable.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Brinton told Han Zheng on Monday (September 18) local time (September 18): "We have the opportunity to move on the basis of recent high -level contact between the two countries. I thinkThis is a good thing. "

Brinken said that the world expects the United States to manage the relationship between the two countries responsibly, and the United States is committed to doing this.He also said: "From the perspective of the United States, in the topic of differences, face -to -face diplomatic channels are the best way to deal with these topics, and it is also the best way to explore the field of cooperation."

The US State DepartmentOn the official website, the two sides have started a frank and constructive discussion, and emphasized that the two parties are committed to ensuring that communication channels are kept open.

The State Department of the United States also announced that the two sides exchanged opinions on the Russia -Ukraine War, North Korea's projects, and so on.Blinden also emphasizes the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Han Zhengzhi said that Sino -US relations are currently facing many difficulties and challenges. China hopes that the United States will make efforts to implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, promote the stable development of relations between the two countries, and emphasize that the world needs stable and healthy and healthy.Sino -US relations.

Reuters believes that the talks between Brinken and Han Zheng may help lay the foundation for the first meeting of the Chinese and American dollars this year.

Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Office, held a number of meetings with the US President's National Security Assistant Salvin in the past weekend.