After the US President Biden visited Vietnam on September 10, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang met with Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng in Nanning, Guangxi on September 16.

The US Vietnam and China -Vietnam high -level meetings have met in one week, showing that the United States and China are actively developing relations with Vietnam. Vietnam is also happy to interact closely with the two major powers of the United States and China and benefit from it.

During his visit to the Vietnam, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam announced that he would raise the US -Vietnam relations from "comprehensive partnership" to "comprehensive strategic partnership."Earlier, Vietnam has established a "comprehensive strategic partnership" with China, Russia, India and South Korea.

Vietnam's foreign relations can be roughly divided into three levels, namely "comprehensive partnership", "strategic partnership", and higher levels of "comprehensive strategic partnerships".It has been 10 years since the establishment of a "comprehensive partnership" in the United States and Vietnam. This time, the two parties have announced that the establishment of a "comprehensive strategic partnership" is a major upgrade of the US -Vietnam relations.

One of the contents of the U.S. -Vietnam relations upgrade is to strengthen the cooperation between the two parties in the fields of artificial intelligence, supply chain and other fields. The two parties also signed an agreement on semiconductor and key rare earth mines.In the talks with Ruan Fuzhong, Biden said that the United States and Vietnam are important partners. The two parties will deepen their cooperation in important emerging technology fields, especially in establishing more tough semiconductor supply chains.

The new upgrade of the United States and Vietnam's relations may guide some foreign -funded enterprises in China to carry out business transfer to Vietnam, which will not only bring good benefits to Vietnam's economy, but also help Vietnam to further enhance its position in the global industrial chain.

In the past few years, China and the United States have played fiercely in the fields of trade, technology, and industry chains, and prompting some foreign capital to transfer investment to Vietnam, India and other places in China.Although China's status as a world factory in the short term is still difficult to shake, developed economies such as the United States have begun to reconstruct the global industrial chain and try to reduce its economic dependence on China.

At the same time, Vietnam's sovereign disputes between Vietnam and China in the South China Sea have also long been in the past. The United States naturally hopes that Vietnam can restrain China on the South China Sea issue and even become a fulcrum for the United States to implement its "Indo -Pacific Strategy".

Since the beginning of this year, the US multi -pronged development has been developed, including the gift of Vietnamese military equipment, trained Vietnamese military personnel, invited the Vietnamese military to participate in joint military exercises from the United States, and dispatched the "Reagan" aircraft carrier to visit Vietnam.American trade representatives Daiqi, Secretary of State Brills, and Treasury Secretary Yellen also visited Vietnam one after another to seek strengthening US -Vietnam relations.

Bynden's visit is the climax of the high -level exchanges of the United States this year.He also invited Ruan Fuzhong to visit the United States to continue to deepen the "comprehensive strategic partnership" in the United States and Vietnam.

Of course, China will not sit at the U.S. -Vietnam relations upgrade.Within a week after leaving Vietnam, China invited Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng to Nanning to attend the 20th China -ASEAN (Asia Gyanan) Expo.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang said when meeting with Fan Mingzheng that China and Vietnam are friendly neighbors of socialism and are strategic community of destiny.China puts a priority direction of the Vietnamese diplomacy, and is willing to strengthen the leadership leadership with the Vietnamese party, reflect mutual support, safeguard the common strategic interests, and promote the relationship between the two parties to continue to reach a new level.

Li Qiang also emphasized that China and Vietnam are all socialist countries. The biggest difference between Sino -Vietnam relations and the United States and Vietnam, that is, China and Vietnam have a common ideology and political system, and the United States and Vietnam have no.

Fan Mingzheng told Li Qiang that Vietnam and China are comrades and brothers.The continuous deepening of the relationship between the two parties and the two parties of the Vietnam and China has always been the objective requirements of Vietnam's foreign relations, first -class priority and strategic choices.Vietnam's development of foreign relations will not harm the interests of third parties.

Fan Mingzheng's statement shows that Vietnam agrees that China ’s relationship with China and Vietnam, that is, the two sides are“ comrades and brothers ”in ideology and political system.Fan Mingzheng also emphasized that deepening the relationship between the two countries and the two countries of Vietnam and China is the "objective requirements, first -class priority and strategic choice" of Vietnam's foreign relations. This is a new manner of Vietnam, which shows Vietnam's emphasis on Vietnam and China relations.

Li Qiang and Fan Mingzheng have stated that they should strengthen economic and trade connections between the two countries, including open ports, railway Unicom, "Belt and Road" and "two corridors and one circle"."Two Corridors and One Circle" refers to the "Kunming-Old Street-Hanoi-Hai Defang-Guangning" economic corridor, "Nanning-Langshan-Hanoi-Hairi-Guangning-Guangning" economic corridor, plus the "Huanbei Bay Economic Circle"It is considered the top -level design of China -Vietnam's economic and trade and infrastructure interconnection.

In fact, after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October last year, the senior management between China and Vietnam is more frequent than the United States and Vietnam.Ruan Fuzhong visited China at the end of October last year, and became the first head -of -headed visit to China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Chinese officials signed a joint statement with Ruan Fuzhong, emphasizing that China and Vietnam are good neighbors and good friends connected to China. They are good comrades and good partners who are like -minded, fate and co -shared.The initiative is connected with the "two corridors and one circle" framework.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Ming visited China in June this year. The two parties announced that the two sides would accelerate the promotion of the border standard railway Unicom, promote the opening of the port and the facility Unicom, expand cooperation in the fields of agricultural products, investment, energy and other fields, control differences, speed up "South China China China China China"Sea Bank as a guideline" consultation and so on.

The Prime Minister of China and Vietnam met in Nanning this time. Fan Mingzheng's statement of Vietnam -China relations was more active, emphasizing that it is necessary to raise the "comrades and brothers' comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level", it seems to resolve ChinaDoubt about the closer of the United States and Vietnam.

For China and the United States, Vietnam is an important country that must strive and draw, and the Sino -US game also has a historic opportunity for Vietnam to maintain a balance between the two major powers and seek to maximize its own interests.For Vietnam, the development of Vietnam and the United States and the relationship between Vietnam and China not only have no contradictions, but can be left and right, and both sides are profitable.