(Beijing/Hong Kong/New York Comprehensive News) China officially announced that Chinese vice chairman Han Zheng will attend the general debate of the United Nations Conference next week.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released on Friday (September 15) on the official website that Han Zheng will attend the general debate of the 78th UN General Assembly from September 18th to 23rd.In the meantime, he will attend the United Nations series and hold a bilateral meeting with the United Nations Secretary -General, the 78th Federal University Chairman and the relevant state leaders.

The South China Morning Post pointed out that the outside world had previously expected the members of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to attend the Nations University, and launched a wider trip to the United States.

Wall Street Journal's on Wednesday (September 13) quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that at the end of July, some Chinese officials also hinted to the United States that Wang Yi would attend the United University.Officials claimed that Wang Yi would go to Washington to discuss in detail during the United States, and preparations for Chinese officials to attend the APEC (Asia -Pacific Organization Organization) Summit in San Francisco in November.

It is reported that if Chinese officials are in line, they may meet with US President Biden.Both officials believe that the first meeting of the China -US dollar will be expected to consolidate the preliminary efforts of the two countries for the stable relationship for several months.

The Wall Street Journal analyzed that the Vice President of China is a large degree of etiquette. Han Zheng attended the Conference of the United University to add variables to the preparation of the Chinese official attending the APEC summit.

According to the Chinese Constitution, Vice President of the State Chairman assists the President of the State; commissioned by the chairman can partial powers on behalf of the chairman.

In May this year, Han Zheng attended the coronation ceremony of King Charles, England, and then visited Portugal and the Netherlands. During talks with the Dutch leaders, he reiterated that China is willing to promote better development of Sino -European relations through pragmatic cooperation.

However, the Wall Street Journal also pointed out that Wang Yi may still visit the United States separately.People close to Beijing said that Wang Yi had previously accepted an invitation to visit the United States by the Biden government, and the two sides were arranging time for his visit.

Before the news of Han Zheng's visit, China and the United States had begun to confront the United Nations University.At the United States Association, the United States Conference emphasized that the resolution of the United University No. 275 does not involve Taiwan's rights, and Taiwan should not prohibit Taiwan from participating in international activities with meaning.Zhang Jun, a permanent representative of the United Nations, refuted that the resolution has resolved the issue of China's representative power. "Taiwan's participation in the United Nations" is a downright pseudo -proposition.